3.6.10 Maker and Authorizer Details

This topic describes the maker and authorizer details.

When you save a record, your User-ID will be displayed in the Entry By field. The date and time at which the record was created will be displayed in the Date/Time field. These fields will always show the details of the latest action on the record - addition or modification.

A record that has been defined should be authorized before it is available for a function. This authorization should be made by a user other than the one who defined the record. All the new records that were defined during the day and the ones that were modified should be authorized before you can begin the End of Day operations for the day. You can however delete a record before it is authorized.

The User-ID of the authorizer will be displayed in the Auth By field. The date and time at which the record was authorized will be displayed in the Date/Time field. As with the Entry By field, this field will be for the latest action that was authorized.