31.1.1 Corporate Action Related Advices

Table 31-2 Corporate Action

Term Description

Notice of rights

You can send a notice of the rights event, whenever you maintain and confirm a Rights event involving a security.

Notice of event

You can generate an advice to notify a custody customer, when you maintain details of a new corporate event, affecting a security. This advice can be sent before confirmation of the event.

Advice of money income

You can generate this advice to notify a custody customer, when the coupon amount, the security redemption amount or any other money amount is disbursed.

Advice of income in the form of securities

You can generate this advice to inform your custody customers, about the income generated from additional securities, in the customer portfolio. Additional securities may be derived from securities held in custody, securities being traded in, securities that have been traded in or securities in which trading is yet to take place.

In the Securities module of Oracle Banking Treasury Management, this advice is generated when the Rights event record is processed for each customer portfolio and when the Rights securities have been lodged, for each portfolio.

Advice of redemption

After redemption of a security has been completed and the money has been settled and credited, as per the instructions of the customer portfolio, you can generate this advice.

You can also generate this advice to send the custody customer, details of a forthcoming redemption.