9.7 Define Security Conversion Rule

This topic describes the systematic instruction to define security conversion rule.

  1. On the Home page, specify SEDXCNRL in the text box, and click next arrow.

    Security Conversion Rule Definition screen is displayed.

    Figure 9-3 Security Conversion Rule Definition

    Description of Figure 9-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-3 Security Conversion Rule Definition"
  2. On the Security Conversion Rule Definition screen, specify the fields.

    Table 9-4 Security Conversion Rule Definition

    Field Description

    Conversion Rule Id

    Enter the conversion rule Id.

    Conversion Type

    Indicate the type of conversion that you are effecting. This release of Oracle Banking Treasury Management supports only securities splits. This implies that you can convert an existing security into on or several units of a new security. While re-denominating In currency securities to Euro, choose split as the conversion type. In Oracle Banking Treasury Management, the re-denomination of and In currency security to Euro is handled in the same way as a split.

    Process Status

    Specify the process status from the drop-down. The options available are;

    • Processed
    • Unprocessed
    • Repair

    Security Id

    Specify the security ID from which the conversion is required.


    Specify the ratio from which the security needs to be converted.