29.4.8 Display Credit Derivative Deal Details

You can view the Credit Derivative Deal details in the Credit Derivative Deal Summary screen.

  1. On the Home page, enter DCSDLONL in the text field and click the next arrow.

    The Credit Derivative Deal Summary screen is Displayed.

    Figure 29-24 Credit Derivative Deal Summary

    Description of Figure 29-24 follows
    Description of "Figure 29-24 Credit Derivative Deal Summary"
  2. On the Credit Derivative Deal Summary screen, specify the required fields to query the details. For more information on the fields, refer to the below field.

    Table 29-9 Credit Derivative Deal Summary- Field description

    Field Description

    Recommended Fields

    Deal Reference

    On screen launch, the application default with the Branch code followed by % in the Deal Reference Number field. Click the Search button to display the contract summary.

    Alternatively, you can select the Deal Reference from the option list. The list displays all valid reference numbers maintained in the system.

    Optional Fields

    Specify any of the below optional field and click the Search button to view the deal details.

    • Authorization Status
    • Deal Status