This image shows the interest details screen. This screen has component as mandatory field. The other category field is production code and production description. The other category field is component details, component description and optional field stop association. The other category field is interest details leg type with optional field primary interest, accrual required and coupon. The other category field is event details event for association, event description, basic amount tag, description, amount category, rate type, floating rate type with optional field flat amount per unit. The other category field is rate details, default rate code, default rate course, default tenor, rate code description, rate source description and tenor description. The other category field is other details with optional field default waiver, amend after association, alternative risk-free rate with optional field allow rate type amendment, allow rate amend, allow rate code amendment and negative interest. The other category field is rate revision preferences with optional field lookback, lockout, last reset, last recent, plain, rate compounding, index value and observation shift, lookback months, lookback days and lockout days. The other category field is compounding preferences computation calendar, financial center, base computation method, spread/margin computation method, spread Adj computation method, rate compounding method, RFR rounding unit, frequency, frequency unit with optional field compound on holidays. The other category field is pricing details with optional field external pricing.