1.1.4 Intermediaries Operating in Financial Markets

This topic describes the intermediaries operating in Financial Markets.

Table 1-3 Intermediaries

Intermediary Market Role

Stock Exchange

Capital Market

Secondary market for securities.

Investment Bankers

  • Capital Market
  • Credit Market

Corporate Advisory services, Issue of securities.


  • Capital Market
  • Money Market

Subscribe to un-subscribed portion of securities.

Registrars Depositories Custodians

Capital Market

Issue securities to the investors on behalf of the company and handle share transfer activity.

  • Primary Dealer
  • Secondary Dealers

Money Market

Market making in government securities.

Forex Dealers

Forex Market

Ensure exchange in currencies.

In a market, which is not well regulated, these intermediaries increase the risks for the investor. To prevent any misappropriation of the lenders’ funds and to reduce the risks of the investors a well-regulated environment has to be developed. With markets in various countries, harmonizing their regulations, these financial intermediaries are now becoming global players.