3.4.2 Maintain Deal Product

If you wish to process Banker’s Acceptances in your bank, then you must indicate the Loan/ MM product, under which loan contracts or money market placements are to be created whenever you process a Banker’s Acceptance deal. In a Banker’s Acceptance deal, you fund the issuer of security by creating a loan or a money market placement.

Select from the list of values containing all open and authorized Loan / MM products, which satisfy the following conditions:

  • In case of an LD product, the product type must be - Loans
  • In case of an MM product, the type must be - Placement
  • The rate type must be - Special
  • The payment type must be - Discounted
  • The Loan / MM product can have only one interest component attached.

Refer to the Deal Online chapter of this User Manual for details on processing Banker’s Acceptances.