Specify Details of Sell Leg

You can specify the following details for the sell leg of a deal:

  • The Portfolio from which you are selling securities
  • The counterparty (the holder of the portfolio from which you are selling securities)
  • The safe keeping location from which securities need to be collected
  • The account at the sake keeping location, from which the traded securities need to be transferred
  • Details of the securities dealer at your bank who sold securities from the portfolio
  • The money settlement date

Table 21-4 Field Description

Field Description

A note on the settlement date

The money settlement indicates the date by which the buyer should pay for the securities bought. The settlement date should be later than or the same as the Trade date and earlier than the maturity date of the security.

For forward deals, the settlement date should be later than the default Spot date. For spot deals in the primary or secondary market, the settlement date should not be a holiday in any of the payment currencies. An override will be sought if the money settlement date is a holiday in any of the currencies involved in the deal.