1.1 User Defined Fields Maintenance Screen

This topic describes the systematic instructions to maintain user defined fields.

Based on your requirement and the nature of the field, you can specify default values and validations for the field. Oracle Lending validates all entries made to the field with the validations you define for a field.

To capture details of User Defined Fields Maintenance screen

  1. On the Homepage, Type UDDUDFMT and click next arrow.
    The User Defined Fields Maintenance screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 1-1 User Defined Fields Maintenance

    Description of Figure 1-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-1 User Defined Fields Maintenance"
  2. A field that you have created becomes operational in Oracle Lending only after it is authorized. A user bearing a different Login ID can authorize a field definition record that you have created.
  3. You can enter below basic details in User Defined Fields Maintenance screen. For information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 1-1 User Defined Field Maintenance Details

    Field Description
    Field Name and Description You can identify a field that you create with a unique identifier, and a brief description.

    Each field that you define in Oracle Lending should be assigned a unique code. You can briefly describe the field in Description field. The description is for your information only. Itis not be printed on any customer correspondence.

    Field Type The type of field that you can create in Oracle Lending can be of the following formats:
    • Number - Choose this option to create a Numeric field.
    • Text - Choose this option to create a Text field.
    • Date - Choose this option to create a Date field.
    • Cube Entity - Should you need to reuse any of the existing fields of Oracle Lending, to enter additional details you can indicate the Field Type as Cube Entity. The Cube Entity can be any of the existing fields in Oracle Lending like customer, currency, account, and so on.
    Marking a Field as Mandatory You can make entry to a field mandatory. To do so, select the Mandatory option. You are forced to make an entry to the field. Leave it deselected to indicate that the field is not mandatory.


    When a UDF is created, you have to first map it to the corresponding function ID and then provide the validation rule for the UDF.