1.5.1 Validations that you can Specify for Date Fields

This topic describes how to specify the date fields.

  1. To define a date field, choose Date as the Field Type. For a date field, you can indicate validations like whether back and future dates can be entered into the field and the back or future period applicable to the field.

1.5.1 Indicate the Validation Type

  1. You can specify the validation type for a date field. The validation types applicable to a date field include:
    • LOV
    • None
    If you indicate LOV then an entry to the field can be made only from the predefined list that you maintain for the field. Choose None to indicate that no validation should be made for the field.

    Back/Future Date Allowed: For a date field you can indicate whether back or future dates can be entered. Check against the relevant options to indicate your preference.

    If you choose the back or future date options, you should also indicate a future or back period permissible for the field. The back or future period should be represented as a number.

    For example, if you indicate ‘3’ as the back date period, the field will accept dates upto three days before the current system date as a valid entry.


    If you do not choose any of these options, the field will only accept the current system date as a valid entry.