7.1 Product Code - MCB3

MCB3 – Islamic Money Market Business Scenario


Through this product “MCB3”, Islamic Banks obtain short term funds within them to meet their statutory obligations. This product is meant for short duration that is, overnight borrowings to one year.

Business Scenario

This financial product, “MCB3” enables one Islamic Bank to obtain short-term funds (overnight to one year) from other Islamic banks to meet statutory requirements like SLR, CRR, etc. Target audience/beneficiaries: Banks Coverage in FLEXCUBE: MC Module

Synopsis (ex. High level features etc.)

  • Inter-bank financial product.
  • Tenor varies from overnight borrowings to one year.
  • Profit rate is fixed.
  • Fulfills the short term fund requirements of the financial sector.
  • Commodity tracking is captured.


MCB3 is used to cater to Islamic banks' short-term needs, who require funds to maintain statutory requirements like SLR, CRR, etc., for the counterparty to deploy the excess liquid cash available to earn a profit without much risk. This product is exclusively meant for commercial banks in the Islamic financial sector. The maximum duration of the lending is one year.

Detailed Coverage

MCB3 covers the following features,

Table 7-1 Detailed Coverage

Main Description
Currency Local Currency (GBP)
Book date – past/current/future Trade Deal
User Maturity date Enabled
Notice Days 1 week
Fund Identification Enabled
Liquidation Auto
Maturity Type Fixed
Rollover No
Rounding rule Truncate
Profit period basis Include From date
Special Rollover Principal
ICCF Rollover Product
Schedule basis Product
Mode Auto
Roll by Days
Holiday Treatment for Schedule Consider Branch Holiday
Track Receivable Manual liquidation
Liquidate back valued schedules Enabled
Brokerage details - Broker Code Enabled

Events Covered (including brief information on accounting)

Product MCB3 has the Life Cycle of Commercial Paper as listed below:

Table 7-2 Events Covered

Events Covered Terminology
ACCR Contract Accrual
BOOK Booking of contract
CAMD Contract Amendment
CONF Confirmation of contract
INT Contract Initiation
LIQD Contract Liquidation
REAS Reassign User
REVC Contract Reversal
REVP Reversal of Payment
ROLL Rollover of Contract
VAMB Value Dated Amendment Booking
VAMI Value Dated Amendment Initiation

Advices Supported

Table 7-3 Supported Advices

Advices Description
PAYMENT_MESSAGE Payment message
MM_CONT_ADV Contract advice
MMAMDADV Amendment advice
MM_ROLL_ADV Rollover advice

Special/Other Features

Supports Clean LC

Additional information

  • Branch Parameter
  • General Ledger Parameter
  • Interest and Charges Parameter
  • Journal Entry Parameter
  • Messaging Parameter
  • Local Holidays
  • Batch file for running EOD
  • Interest Class Maintenance
  • Charge Class Maintenance