9.10 Product Code - HTM3

HTM3 – Bank Portfolio Product

Business Scenario

The Securities Portfolio Product HTM3 is used for creating Bank Portfolios creation to handle Lifecycle events and Corporate Actions of Fixed and Floating Rate Bonds.

Synopsis (ex. High level features etc.)

  • The Fixed/Floating Rate bond portfolios are handled by this product.
  • It can handle Bonds issued at Discount/Par/Premium with positive Interest rate.

Detailed Coverage

HTM3 Securities Portfolio Product covers the following features,

Table 9-7 Detailed Information

Detailed Coverage Description
Type of the Product Securities – Bank Portfolio Product
Costing Method Covered Weighted Average Cost
Accruals covered with Frequency
  • Interest Accrual (Daily frequency)
  • Premium (Daily frequency)
  • Discount (Daily frequency)
  • Redemption Premium (Daily frequency)
Accrual Methods
  • Discount/Premium Accrual Method if Redemption type is Bullet - Straight Line Method
  • Discount/Premium Accrual Method if Redemption type is other than Bullet – Constant Yield
  • Accruals calc method – Actual/360
Liquidation Auto Liquidation for Corporate Actions
Revaluation Realized Revaluation with Method as MTM and frequency as Daily
MIS The MIS details are not captured in this product
  • Coupon Processing Charges, borne by the Counterparty
  • Coupon Processing Tax, borne by the Bank

Portfolio details

  • Issuer, customer and bank portfolios could be defined.
  • WAC, LIFO, FIFO, DM costing methods can have for each type of portfolio
  • Capturing Revaluation details for the portfolio
  • Capturing customer, currency or branch level restrictions
  • Capturing the discount/premium accrual details
  • Capturing the forward profit and loss accrual details
  • Defining the interest accrual details – different frequencies and types such as constant yield, exponential and straight line.
  • Defining the limit tracking details
  • Advice details

Events Covered

Table 9-8 Events

Events Terminology
ACRD Accrual of Sec. Discount Earned
ACRP Accrual of Sec. Premium Paid
ACRR Accrual of Redemption Premium Ernd.
BRVL Securities Revaluation of Positions
CLIB Booking of Contingent Liability
CPCD Coupon Collection
CPIN Coupon Init
CPLQ Coupon Liqd
DVCD Securities Dividend Collection
DVIN Securities Dividend Initiation
DVLQ Securities Dividend Liquidation
FACR Sec. Forward Deal P Accrual
IACR Securities Coupon Interest Accrual
PROV Provisioning
PRVR SETT MESSAGES Reverse Provisioning
RRVL Securities Reversal of Revaluation
SCCD Securities Stock To Cash Collection
SCIN Securities Stock To Cash Initiation
SCLQ Securities Stock To Cash LIQD
SPLP Sec. Purchase from Long Position
SPSP Sec. Purchase from Short Position
SSLP Sec. Sale from Long Position
SSSP Sec. Sale from Short Position
WELL Warrants Sec. Exercise Processing
WENL Exercise of Warrants for New Equity
WRLL Warrants Sec. Tear-Off Processing
WROL Warrant Detachment from Parent Sec
YACR Yield Accrual

Advices Supported

Payment/Confirmation messages like MT202, MT210 and MT54x messages.

Interest / Charges / Commission & Fees

The HTM3 product is parametrized with following charges and tax components,
  • Charge Component – CPNCHG
  • Tax Component - CPBKTR1_TX

Special/Other Features

  • User can define various tax, charges and brokerage components for the deals.
  • Additional Advices / Statements are supported.

Additional information

The following are the maintenance required in OBTR to use the HTM3 product for Securities Portfolios.
  • SE Branch Parameter
  • Treasury Branch Parameter
  • Treasury Messaging Parameter
  • SE Batch Maintenance
  • Treasury Interest Class Maintenance
  • Treasury Charge Class maintenance
  • Treasury Tax class maintenance
  • Securities Safe Keeping Location and Account maintenance