3.2 Action Maintenance

This topic describes the systematic instruction of action maintenance.

  1. On Homescreen, type TRDACTCD in the text box, and click next arrow.

    Treasury Pre-Settlement Action Code Maintenance screen is displayed.

    Figure 3-2 Treasury Pre-Settlement Action Code Maintenance

    Description of treasurypre-settlementactioncodemaintenance_cvs_main.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration treasurypre-settlementactioncodemaintenance_cvs_main.jpg
  2. On the Treasury Pre-Settlement Action Code Maintenance screen, specify the fields.


    This screen only query the date. It will not be possible to create a new record or modify an existing record.

    Table 3-4 Treasury Pre-Settlement Action Code Maintenance - Foreign Exchange Field Description

    Field Description
    Module Code

    Specify the Module Code for the action.

    Action Code

    Specify the Action Code. The available action codes are:

    • New
    • Amend
    • Canc
    • Rebook

    Action Description

    Specify the Action Description.

    The available action descriptions are:

    • New
    • Amend
    • Canc
    • Rebook

    Table 3-5 Treasury Pre-Settlement Action Code Maintenance - Foreign Exchange Field Description

    Field Description

    Module Code

    Specify the Module Code for the action.

    Action Code

    Specify the Action Code. The available action codes are:

    • New
    • Amend
    • Canc
    • Rebook
    • Roll

    Action Description

    Specify the Action Description.

    The available action descriptions are:

    • New
    • Amend
    • Canc
    • Rebook
    • Roll