8.9 MM Manual Matching Process

This topic describes the overview of MM manual matching.

System will fetch all message/contract records based on the query criteria in the Manual Matching screen.

Only Partially Matched/unmatched messages can be fetched for manual matching.

Single message record only can be processed from this screen at a time by selecting the same.

  1. On selecting a partially matched record in the Message details Block, system will display the partial match details available for the record with contract and confirmation rule ID details.
  2. After selecting a partial match detail which is to be matched against a selected partially matched message user can save the record. On saving a manual match, match record status is shown as ‘Active’ and unauthorized.
  3. The message is marked as ‘Match in Progress’. User will not be able fetch this message record for another manual matching process.
  4. On saving a manual match, the related MM contract is locked and income unauthorized. Authorization is allowed only from matching screen.
  5. The authorizer initiates the authorization process for the manually matched deals to complete the process. Once the manual match transaction is authorized, message is marked Completely Matched and for the related MW contract WCNF event is triggered and CONF event is triggered at the Product Processor for the corresponding MM contract.
  6. The System stores the mode of matching as Manual.
  7. If any of the partial match details cannot be considered for matching the message, user can enter query for contract details by pressing Contract button to fetch the unconfirmed deal records in the system.
  8. Contract Details screen is opened and user can query the contract and open it in view mode from this screen using ‘View Contract’ button.
  9. User can select any one of the contract from ‘Contract Details’ screen and initiate manual matching by saving the record.
  10. Contract reference number selected is populated in the ‘Contract Reference field’ in the main screen.
  11. If the contract is selected for matching then this contract number will appear in the Contract reference field.
  12. The processing explained from7-11 is applicable for matching of unmatched messages also.

Un-matching of Matched Messages

User can select the match record of a completely matched message from the summary screen of Confirmation Message Matching screen. This can be manual/auto matched record.

Unmatched of a matched record can be initiated by pressing the Close button from the detailed screen.

The record status is closed and unauthorized. The message status is Match in Progress. System fires unconfirmed event WUNC for the related MW contract and UCNF event is triggered at the Product Processor for the corresponding MM contract.

On authorizing the closure of the record, system will mark the Match status of the message as ‘Unmatched’.

The ‘closed’ Match records cannot be reopened and processed further.

User is able to fetch the unmatched messages again to initiate a new manual match process.