6.10 Movement of the deal from Pre- Settlement manager to the product processor

This topic describes the deal movement from Pre- Settlement manager to STP-ed data store.

  • Once all the exceptions are resolved in the Pre- Settlement manager, the deal is moved to STP-ed data store.
  • Job is configured to monitor the data from STP data store. System will take the records once by one.
  • Will do validation on the data
  • System will send the deal to the product processor by calling the upload routine
  • If there is any error, the same is updated back to the data store.

Below jobs should be used for the queue processing and STP processing and they should be started using the job browser screen TRSJOBBR

  • MW_QUEUE_PROCESSING - <For queue processing>
  • MW_STP_PROCESSING - <For STP processing>


The below users will be used for the job processing. Hence user should maintain these users manually who has access similar to SYSTEM user.