7.3 Process deal using CW Contract Online Screen

This topic describes the deal processing using CW contract online,

  1. On the Home page, specify CWDTRONL in the text box, and click next arrow.

    Capital Market Pre-Settlement Contract Online screen is displayed.

    Figure 7-2 Capital Market Pre-Settlement Contract Online

    Description of capitalmarket.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration capitalmarket.jpg
  2. On the Capital Markets Pre-Settlement Contract Online screen, specify the fields.

    Following operations are allowed in this Contract Online

    1. Amendment of the Contract
    2. Non-Financial Amendment only
    1. Authorization of the Contract

    Table 7-3 Capital Markets Pre- Settlement Contract Online - Field Description

    Field Description

    Product Code

    Indicates the product code of the deal.

    Product Description

    Indicates the product description of the selected product.

    Pre-settlement Reference number

    Indicates the Unique reference number for the deal at the pre-settlement layer.

    Action Type

    Indicates the Action type of the latest version. The various actions can be New, Modify or Cancel.

    Version Number

    Indicates the Version Number of the deal created in product processor.

    Deal Input time

    This field captures the deal execution time at the time of deal booking received from front office.

    Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS:SSS (Default).

    Here SSS is milliseconds.


    The above format can be changed in the user setting option based on requirement.

    System throws an error when you give the wrong date or time format on modification.

    Contract Reference

    Indicates the Contract Reference of the deal created in product processor.

    Deal Source

    Indicates the Reference sent from front office. This remains unique for every deal.

    External Reference

    Indicates source system from which the deal is originated.


    Indicates the Counterparty of the deal.

    Security Id

    Indicates the Security Id of the contract.

    Market Code

    Indicates the Market code of the contract.

    Quote By

    Indicates the Quote of the contract.

    Price Quote

    Indicates the Price of the contract.

    Deal Quantity

    Indicates the Deal quantity of the contract.

    Interest Quotation

    Indicates the Interest Quotation of the contract.

    Deal Type

    Indicates the Deal type of the contract.

    Deliver Input Price

    Indicates the deliver input price of the contract.

    Interest Date

    Indicates the interest date of the contract.


    Select the receive option to receive the details of the contract

    Delivery Settlement Date

    Indicates the Delivery settlement date of the contract

    Trade Date

    Indicates the trade date of the contract

    Transaction Date

    Indicates the transaction date of the contract


    Indicates the portfolio of the contract

    Brokerage Currency

    Indicates the brokerage currency of the contract


    Indicates the counterpart details of the contract

    Safe Keeping Account (From)

    Provide the Safe Keeping Account (From) information

    Safe Keeping Account (To)

    Provide the Safe Keeping Account (To) information

    Safe Keeping Location (From)

    Provide the Safe Keeping Location (From) details

    Safe Keeping Location (To)

    Provide the Safe Keeping Location (to) details

    Money Settlement Date (From)

    Provide the Money Settlement Location (from) details

    Money Settlement Date (To)

    Provide the Money Settlement Location (to) details

    Brokerage Amount (From)

    Provide the Brokerage Amount (From) details.

    Brokerage Amount (To)

    Provide the Brokerage Amount (to) details

    Broker (From)

    Provide the Brokerage (from) details

    Broker (To)

    Provide the Brokerage (to) details

  3. On the Capital Market Pre - Settlement Contract Online screen, click Settlements.

    Settlement screen is displayed.

    Figure 7-3 Settlement Screen

    Description of settlementscreen.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration settlementscreen.jpg
  4. On settlement screen, specify the fields.

    For more information on fields, refer to the below table.

    Table 7-4 Settlements - Field Description

    Field Description


    Indicates the buying side account detail

    Account Branch

    Indicates the buying side account branch details

    Instruction Status

    Indicates the buy side instruction status details

    Instruction type

    Indicates the buy side instruction type details

    Instruction Category

    Indicates the buy side instruction Category details


    Indicates the Selling side account detail

    Account Branch

    Indicates the Selling side account branch details

    Instruction Status

    Indicates the Selling side instruction status details

    Instruction type

    Indicates the Selling side instruction type details

    Instruction Category

    Indicates the Selling side instruction Category details

    Details of Payment 1

    Provide the details of the payment 1

    Details of Payment 2

    Provide the details of the payment 2

    Details of Payment 3

    Provide the details of the payment 3

    Details of Payment 4

    Provide the details of the payment 4

    Information 1

    Provide the information 1 details

    Information 2

    Provide the information 2 details

    Information 3

    Provide the information 3 details

    Information 4

    Provide the information 4 details

    Information 5

    Provide the information 5 details

    Information 6

    Provide the information 6 details


    Mention the receiver details

    Account With Instruction 1

    Provide the account with instruction 1 details

    Account With Instruction 2

    Provide the account with instruction 2 details

    Intermediary 1

    Provide the Intermediary 1 details

    Intermediary 2

    Provide the Intermediary 2 details

    Ult Beneficiary1

    Provide the Ult beneficiary 1 details

    Ult Beneficiary2

    Provide the Ult beneficiary 2 details

    Beneficiary Institution1

    Provide the Beneficiary Institution 1 details

    Beneficiary Institution2

    Provide the Beneficiary Institution 2 details

  5. On the Capital Market Pre-Settlement Contract Screen, click Queue.

    The Queue screen is displayed.

    Figure 7-4 Queue screen

    Description of queuescreen.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration queuescreen.jpg
  6. On the Queue screen, specify the fields.

    For more information on fields, refer to the below table.

    Table 7-5 Queue - Field Description

    Field Description


    Indicates whether the deal is in special queue

    Special Queue Reason

    Reason for the deal for falling into special handling queue

    Credit Check

    Indicates whether the deal is in credit check queue

    Credit Queue Reason

    Reason for the deal for falling into credit check queue


    Indicates whether the deal is in amend queue

    Amend Queue Reason

    Reason for the deal for falling into amend queue


    Indicates whether the deal is in enrichment queue

    Enrichment Queue Reason

    Reason for the deal for falling into enrich queue


    Indicates whether the deal is in repair queue

    Repair Queue Reason

    Reason for the deal for falling into repair queue


    Indicates whether the deal is in verification queue

    Verify Queue Reason

    Reason for the deal for falling into verify queue

    Exit Amend Queue

    To indicate whether to exit from the amend queue

    Exit Repair Queue

    To indicate whether to exit from the repair queue

    Exit Special Queue

    To indicate whether to exit from the Special queue

    Exit Credit Check Queue

    To indicate whether to exit from the Credit Check queue

  7. On the Capital Markets Pre-Settlement Contract screen, click Additional Info tab.

    Additional screen is displayed.

  8. On Additional tab, specify the fields.

    Table 7-6 Additional - Field Description

    Field Description

    Suppress Confirmation

    Indicates the Suppress Confirmation details.

    Suppress Receive Notice

    Indicator to suppress the receive notice

    Settlement message Sent

    Indicate Whether settlement message is sent.

    Third Party Payment

    Indicate the Third Party Payment details

    Suppress Payment Message

    Indicator to suppress the payment message

    Credit Approval Required

    Select the check box to approve the required credit.

    Credit Approval Remarks

    Indicates the credit approval remarks.

    Spot Price

    Indicates the Spot price of the contract

    Settlement Amount

    Indicates the Settlement Amount of the contract.

    Accrued Interest

    Indicates the Accrued Interest of the contract


    Indicates the Rate of the contract


    Indicates the yield of the contract


    Indicates the dealer details of the contract

    Payment Currency

    Indicates the payment currency details of the contract

    Security Currency

    Indicates the Security Currency details of the contract

    Withholding Tax

    Indicates the Withholding tax details of the contract

    Conversation ID

    Provides the Conversation ID of the contract

    Internal Remarks

    Provides internal remark if any

    Reject Reason

    Provides the Reject Remarks if any

    Special Handling Code

    Provides the special handling code details.

    Security Series

    Provides the Security series of a contract.

    Pay Cutoff

    Indicates Pay cut off time calculated for the deal. This is derived by taking the cut off details maintained for the currency

    Receive Cutoff

    Receive cut off time calculated for the deal. This is derived by taking the cut off details maintained for the currency