7.1 Upload of Deal Request from the Front Office

This topic describes the upload of deal request from the front office.

Front office sends the deal request in the form of XML. Web Services are in place where the treasury system receives this request and process the same.

The Following details are available during upload.

Table 7-1 Field Values

Field Name Description
Sequence Numbers

This is a Mandatory field.

Unique number generated by the system.

External Reference Number

This is a Mandatory Field

This is Reference number generated from external system.

Branch Code

Branch code of the transaction

Action Code

Action code for the record - Values are:

  • New
  • Amend
  • Cancel

Module Code

This is a Mandatory field

Value should be SD


Status of the uploaded deal

Source Code

External source code - As maintained in the system

Pre-settlement Reference

This is a Mandatory Field

Unique number generated by system for the contract. The same reference number is used for further operations on the same contract. This is generated once the deal moves from book queue to other queues/ or got STP-ed

Version Number

Version number of the contract

Error Message

Error Message

Security Id

This is a Mandatory Field

Indicates the Security Id of the contract

Market Code

This is a Mandatory Field

Indicates the Market code of the contract

Deal Type

This is a Mandatory Field

Indicates the Deal Type of the contract

Deal Quantity

This is a Mandatory Field

Indicates the Deal Quantity of the contract

Price Quote

This is a Mandatory Field

Indicated the Price Quote of the contract

Input Price

This is a Mandatory Field

Indicates the Input Price of the contract

Quote By

This is a Mandatory Field

Indicates the Quote By of the contract

Security Series

Indicates the Security Series of the contract

Special Handling Code

Indicates the Special Handling Code of the contract

Conversation ID

Indicates the Conversation ID of the contract

Trade Date

Indicates the Trade Date of the contract

Delivery Settlement Date

This is a Mandatory Field

Indicates the Delivery Settlement Date of the contract

Transaction Date

This is a Mandatory Field

Indicates the Transaction Date of the contract

Interest Quotation

This is a Mandatory Field

Indicates the Interest Quotation of the contract


Indicates the Deliver of the contract

Interest Date

Indicates the Interest Date of the contract


This is a Mandatory Field

Indicates the Receive of the contract

Payment Currency

This is a Mandatory Field

Indicates the Payment Currency of the contract

Security Currency

This is a Mandatory Field

Indicates the Security Currency of the contract


Indicates the Rate of the contract


Indicates the Remarks of the contract

Portfolio <From>

Indicates the Portfolio of the contract

Counterparty <From>

Indicates the Counterparty of the contract

Safe Keeping Location <From>

Indicates the Safe Keeping Location of the contract

Safe Keeping Account <From>

Indicates the Safe Keeping Account of the contract

Money Settlement Date <From>

Indicates the Money Settlement Dateof the contract

Broker <From>

Indicates the Broker of the contract

Brokerage Currency <From>

Indicates the Brokerage Currency of the contract

Brokerage Amount <From>

Indicates the Brokerage Amount of the contract

Accommodate Lodge <From>

Indicates the Accommodate Lodge of the contract

Auto Money Settlement <From>

Indicates the Auto Money Settlement of the contract

Portfolio <To>

Indicates the Portfolio of the contract

Counterparty <To>

Indicates the Counterparty of the contract

Below service name and operation code will be available:

  • Function Id - CWDFOWFU
  • Service Name - OBTRCWService
  • Operation Code - CreateContract, QueryContract

Below conditions are checked for the mandatory validations:

  • External Ref No cannot be Null
  • Branch Code cannot be Null
  • Module Code cannot be Null
  • Action Code cannot be Null
  • Security Code cannot be Null
  • Market Code cannot be Null
  • Spot Forward Code cannot be Null
  • Deal Quantity cannot be Null
  • Price Quote cannot be Null
  • Input Price cannot be Null
  • Unit Nom Quote cannot be Null
  • Trade Date cannot be Null
  • Delivery Settlement Date cannot be Null
  • Transaction Date cannot be Null
  • Deliver cannot be Null
  • Receive cannot be Null
  • Payment Currency cannot be Null
  • Security Currency cannot be Null

If any of these validations fail, the system will update the status of the request as Error.

System will put the record into hold in case of below conditions are satisfied

  • Previous version of the contract is in Hold
  • Previous version of the contract is in Unauthorized Status in Pre-Settlements layer
  • Previous version of the contract is being sent to PP
  • Contract is locked by other process.