1.1.1 Treasury External System Maintenance

The systematic instruction to maintain the active record in Treasury External System Maintenance screen is described in this topic.

The Treasury External System Maintenance screen with field external system type as “Payments” for different service codes with all required fields to maintain the active record.
For outgoing payments, maintain the service code as “GenPayMessage” with Single Payment Service details as below:

Table 1-1 Fields Specification

Field Specification
Service Name PMSinglePayOutService
Operation Code CreateSinglePayment
Rest/Web Service User Option Choose the preferred option
Rest/Web Service User Provide the User to be used in Rest request
Rest/Web Service URL Service Provide the Rest API URL of Single Payment Service
For Receive Notice, maintain the service code as “GenRecvNotice'” with Inbound Cross Border Payments service details as below:

Table 1-2 Fields Specification

Field Specification
Service Name PMXborderInService
Operation Code CreateXborderIn
Rest/Web Service User Option Choose the preferred option
Rest/Web Service User Provide the User to be used in Rest request
Rest/Web Service URL Service Provide the Rest API URL of Inbound Cross Border Payments Service
For Incoming Cross border payments reversal, maintain the service code as “GenInTxnRev” with Cross Border Incoming Transaction Reversal Service details as below:

Table 1-3 Fields Specification

Field Specification
Service Name PMInTxnReversalService
Operation Code CreatePMInTxnReversal
Rest/Web Service User Option Choose the preferred option
Rest/Web Service User Provide the User to be used in Rest request
Rest/Web Service URL Service Provide the Rest API URL of Inbound Cross Border Incoming Transaction Reversal Service
For Outgoing Cross border payments reversal, maintain the service code as “GenOutTxnRev” with Cross Border Outgoing Transaction Reversal Service details as below:

Table 1-4 Fields Specification

Field Specification
Service Name PMOutTxnReversalService
Operation Code CreatePMOutTxnReversal
Rest/Web Service User Option Choose the preferred option
Rest/Web Service User Provide the User to be used in Rest request
Rest/Web Service URL Service Provide the Rest API URL of Inbound Cross Border Outgoing Transaction Reversal Service
  1. On the Home page, enter IFDTREPM in the text field and then click the next arrow.
    The Treasury External System Maintenance screen.

    Figure 1-1 Treasury External System Maintenance

    Description of Figure 1-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-1 Treasury External System Maintenance"
  2. On the Treasury External System Maintenance screen, specify the fields as describes in the above field specification tables.
    Below are the scheduler jobs configured for the Integration. Make sure that these jobs are running.
    • TREPSGENPAYMENT - Scheduler job for processing the Payment request
    • TREPS_NOTIFICATION - Scheduler job for processing OBPM notifications