1.3.1 Installation Modes

This topic explains the Installation modes for OBTR and ELCM integration.

ELCM Request Initiation from OBTR:

During transaction booking at OBTR with limits, OBTR will initiate a utilization request to ELCM and waits for the response to be processed at OBTR synchronously. After a transaction is booked at OBTR for the subsequent set of operations OBTR decides on sending the request synchronously or asynchronously based on the parameter maintenance.

OBTR creates the limit request during the online transaction and sends it to the external limit system.
  • The response received from the external limit system along with the override and errors are displayed to the user during the transaction
  • The user can approve the limits overrides and proceed with the transactions from OBTR

Figure 1-1 OBTR- Limits Transaction- Sync Flow

Limits Transaction sync flow
During EOD, ELCM request is processed in the SYNC mode for the modules: MM, DV, OT, SE, SR, and FX. The rest of the modules are processed in the ASYNC mode using the scheduler job- TREXT_ASYNCCALL.

Figure 1-2 OBTR- Limits Transaction- Async Flow

Limits transaction- Async flow