1.2.2 Prerequisites in Oracle Banking Enterprise Limits and Collateral Management

This topic explains the Upload Source maintenance (CODSORCE) as a prerequisites in Oracle Banking Treasury Management and Oracle Banking Enterprise Limits and Collateral Management for integration.

  1. Maintain the following details in Upload Source maintenance (CODSORCE) screen:

    Table 1-5 Upload Source maintenance- Field Description

    Field Description
    Source Code Specify the Source code of external system as OBTR.
  2. You have to maintain the following details in Upload Source Preference maintenance (IFDTRXSE) screen:

    Table 1-6 Upload Source Preference Maintenance- Field Description

    Field Description
    Source Specify the Source code of external system as OBTR.
    Module Code Specify Treasury Module Codes.
    On Error Select either Reject or Blank from the drop-down list. The system perform an action based on the selected value.
    On Override Ignore.
    Status Select the Authorized value from the drop-down list for the OBTR.
  3. You have to maintain the following details in Product Maintenance (GEDPROD) screen.

    Table 1-7 Product Maintenance- Field Description

    Field Description

    Specify the Treasury Modules.

    Product Code

    Specify the Product code for maintaining the restriction in the Facility screen.

    Product Type

    Specify the product type.

  4. You have to maintain the following details in External System maintenance (GEDEXMNT) screen.

    Table 1-8 External System Maintenance- Field Description

    Field Description
    External System Code Specify the source code of an external system as OBTR.
    External System Specify the External System as FCUBS.
    Module Specify this field as OVD.
    WSDL Link Provide OBTR WSDL URL in this field.
  5. You have to maintain the following details in External System maintenance (GWDETFUN) screen.

    Table 1-9 External System Maintenance- Field Description

    Field Description
    External System

    Specify the source code of external system as OBTR.


    Maintain the related service and operation code for OBTR.