External System Functions Maintenance

The systematic instruction to perform External system Functions Maintenance is explained in this topic.

For the service name “FCUBSCoreService” with operation code “CreateSTDTBLPO”, maintain the External System Functions for the External system “OBTR” to receive the FATCA Obligation and FATCA Referral information from OBTR.
  1. On the Home page, enter the GWDETFUN , and then click the next arrow.
    The External System Functions is screen is displayed.

    Figure 1-12 External System Maintenance

    Description of Figure 1-12 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-12 External System Maintenance"
  2. On the External System Functions Maintenance screen, specify the fields.
    For more information on the fields, refer to the below table.

    Table 1-7 External System Function Maintenance - Field Description

    Field Description
    External System Specify the External System.
    Function Specify the Function.
    Action Specify the Action.
    Service Name Specify the Service Name.
    Operation Code Specify the Operation Code.
    Description Specify the Description.
    Bulk SMS Check Specify the Bulk SMS Check.