Web Services Based Synchronous Deployment Pattern

The web services deployment pattern will be used in integration scenarios where the external system connecting to Oracle Banking Treasury Management wants to connect using standards-based, interoperable web services.

This deployment pattern is especially applicable to systems which meet the following broad guidelines:

  • Systems that are not ‘EJB literate’, i.e., such systems are not capable of establishing connections with Oracle Banking Treasury Management based upon the EJB interface; and/or
  • Systems that prefer to use a standards-based approach.

In this deployment pattern, the external system will use the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) messages to communicate to the Oracle Banking Treasury Management web services.

The services displayed by Oracle Banking Treasury Management are of a ‘message based’ style, i.e., the actual request will be in the form of an XML message, but the request will be a ‘payload’ within the SOAP message. After the necessary processing is done in Oracle Banking Treasury Management based on the request, the response is returned to the external system as an XML message which will be a ‘payload’ within the response SOAP message. The transaction control for the processing will stay with the Oracle Banking Treasury Management.