6.1 Relationship Pricing for Interest

This topic describes the systematic instruction on relationship pricing for Interest. The interest call-form in Contract Input screen is enhanced to display the external pricing component and the system pick up the rate from FCUBS for RP.

  1. On the Home page, enter SRDTRONL in the text box, and then click the next arrow.

    The Security Repo Contract Online screen is displayed.

    Figure 6-1 Security Repo Contract Online

    Description of Figure 6-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 6-1 Security Repo Contract Online"
  2. On the Security Repo Contract Online screen, click the Interest tab to display the external pricing component details.

    The ICCF screen is displayed.

    • If the user enables External Pricing for the interest component, the system picks up the rate or variance based on the benefit plans and the schemes.
    • For a CCS deal, RP is applicable Interest rate, and Charges. For IRS and FRA deals, RP is applicable for Interest rate and Charges.
    • For a DV product, the user can enable external pricing for IN leg or OUT leg, or both legs.