1.2 Rate Code Maintenance

This section describes the systematic instructions to maintain the rate codes.

You can define rate codes using the Rate Code Maintenance screen.
  1. On the Homepage, enter CFDTRRCM in the text field and then click the next arrow.
    The system displays the Rate Code Maintenance screen.

    Figure 1-1 Rate code Maintenance

    Description of Figure 1-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-1 Rate code Maintenance"
  2. Specify the fields in the displayed screen.

    Table 1-1 Rates - Field Description

    Field Description
    Rate Code

    Enter a code to identify the rate you are defining. You can associate several currencies to the rate code and specify rates for each currency. While processing a contract, you need to indicate this code to make the rate applicable to the contract. The code cannot exceed 10 characters.


    Enter a brief description to identify the rate code being defined.

    Holiday Currency

    Specify the holiday currency for this rate code. You can choose the appropriate one from the adjoining option list that displays all valid currency codes maintained in the system.

    Floating rates prevalent in the market are recorded in the system as rate codes (E.g. LIBOR). The prevailing rates in the market are also recorded in the system. These rates are defined in a certain market (E.g. LIBOR rates comes from the London market). Hence the days on which that market is closed is determined by the holidays maintained for the related currency (GBP for LIBOR). This currency must be recorded as the ‘Holiday Currency’ for the Rate code.

    Propagate Across Branches

    Check this option to indicate that the rate code should be available across all branches.

    Tenor Code Details  
    Tenor Code

    Enter a brief description for the tenor code. You can add multiple tenor codes for the rate code by clicking add icon. Similarly, you can delete a tenor code by selecting the desired row and then clicking delete icon.

    In order to process MT340, MT360 and MT361 you need to maintain the following rate codes:
    • AONIA
    • BBR-BBSW
    • BA-CDOR
    • BA
    • CORRA
    • TBILL
    • CLICP
    • CIBOR
    • DKKOIS
    • ANNSR
    • EONIA
    • TEC10-CNO
    • HIBOR
    • HONIX
    • ISDA
    • IDMA
    • SBI
    • SOR
    • TELBOR01
    • TELBOR
    • BMK
    • CMT
    • INBMK
    • MIBOR
    • MIFOR
    • MIOIS
    • MITOR
    • BBSF
    • LIBOR
    • TIBOR
    • TONA
    • TSR
    • CD3220
    • CD-KSDA
    • BBR
    • NZIONA
    • WIBOR
    • ANNUAL
    • STIBOR
    • SIBOR
    • SONAR
    • SOR
    • BRIBOR
    • THBFIX
    • CMS
    • COF11
    • ISDAFIX3
    • SIFMA
    • BBR
    • BA
    • TBILL
    • TAM
    • TMM
    • HIBOR
    • TSR
    • BRIBOR
    • CMS
    • COF11
    • ISDA
    • TIBOR