1.6.2 Define Features of the ICCB Rule Details

This topic explains the features of the ICCB Rule Details screen.

As you are defining an interest type of component, (that is, a tenor based component), you need to specify only the following details through the Treasury ICCB Rule Details screen:
  • Rule Type
  • Rule ID
  • Rule Description
  • Rule Currency, Customer and Branch combinations


The values defaulted by the system in the fields under the Rate Details and Tenor Details tabs should not be altered. These will not have any effect on the Interest Rule which is being created.
All the other details of the component must be specified through the Interest Class screen. The Interest Class screen allows you to specify details regarding different attributes such as the following:
  • Fixed, Floating or Special interest rates
  • Penalties calculated based on the main interest
  • Accrual of interest
  1. Specify the fields in the ICCB Rule Details screen.
    For detailed information, refer to the below table

    Table 1-6 Features of the ICCB Rule Details

    Field Description
    Rule Type

    The Rule Type identifies the type of ICCB component you are defining. In this case it is Interest. The attributes applicable for a component depends on its Rule Type.

    For example, you can define any component that is tenor based - an annual fee, for example - as a component of Rule Type Interest. If INTEREST1 is your main interest, your annual fee can be defined as INTEREST2, as it is tenor based. Only on an Interest type of component can you have floating rates.

    Rule ID

    Each Interest Rule is defined by an alphanumeric code called the Rule ID. Attributes are defined for this Rule ID, which is then linked to a product. When a contract is processed, the interest attributes defined for the Rule ID linked to the product will be applied on the contract, some of which can be changed.

    To recall, the Rule ID for an interest rule is specified in the ICCB Rule Branch Availability maintenance. Accordingly, in the Rule ID field in this screen, you must select the ID of the interest rule that you wish to build by maintaining the attributes.

    The option list in the Rule ID field is populated based on the following conditions:
    • Only those Rule IDs that are available for users at the current branch according to the ICCB Rule Branch Availability maintenance are displayed
    • The maintenance of ICCB rules must be allowed for users at the current branch, according to the restrictions maintained in the Common Branch Restrictions maintenance for the restriction type ICCBRULE
    If no Common Branch Restrictions have been maintained, and the restriction type ICCBRULE has not been maintained in the SMS Branch Restriction Type maintenance, the option list in the Rule ID field only displays those rules that are available for users in the current branch, according to the ICCB Rule Branch Availability maintenance.

    You must select the Rule ID to have all the bank branches listed in the Branch field list of options.

    This topic has the following sub-topic: