1.2 Structured Address Replication in Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Minicore

This topic describes the structured address replication in Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking minicore.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking.
Gateway setup should be done in Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking to replicate the Structured Address for a particular source system by performing maintenance in the below-mentioned screens, to use the web services exposed by Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Minicore for Structured Address so that we can push the data from Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management Common Core to Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Minicore.

Refer to Common Core - Gateway User Guide in Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking for a detailed explanation.

External System Functions Maintenance

Maintain the below functions and actions for Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management in the External System Functions screen.

  1. On Home screen, specify GWDETFUN, and click Next arrow.
    The External System Functions screen displays.

    Figure 1-5 External System Functions

  2. Click New and click Search icon in the Function field.
    The List of Values Function screen displays.

    Figure 1-6 List of Values Function

    Table 1-2 External System Functions - Parameter Setup

    Function Action
  3. Select the above Function Id, and click OK to save the record.
    Record will be saved and authorized successfully.

External System Function Summary

Maintain the External System Functions for the below function and actions.

External System: Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management

Function Id: STGACCAD

  1. On Home screen, specify GWSETFUN, and click Next arrow.
    The External System Function Summary screen displays.

    Figure 1-7 External System Function Summary