3 File Upload

This topic provides the information on the various File Upload features supported by Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management.

The user can perform the following actions:

  • New – Creation of new records
  • Modify – Modification of existing records
  • Close – Closure of existing records

File Naming Convention: feedname_xxx

For example: virtualentity_27april2020

File Format: .csv

The processing status of the records in the file can be enquired through View File Upload Status screen.


Refer to Oracle Banking Microservices Plarform Foundation User Guide for the detailed explanation.

Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management provides a facility for bulk upload of the below features.

3.1 Virtual Entity

Virtual Entity File Upload is used for the bulk creation, modification and closure of Virtual Entities.

Feed Name: virtualentity

The following table describes the details of file structure.

Table 3-1 Virtual Entity - File Structure

Sequence Number Field Name Description Data Type Field Length Modifiable (NA/Y/N)
1 Action Specifies the operation to be performed.
Allowed operations are as following:
  • New: Creation of Virtual Entities
  • Modify: Modification of existing Virtual Entities
  • Close: Closure of existing Virtual Entities
2 Operation Specifies the operation to be performed.
Allowed operations are as following:
  • E - Action specific to only Entities
  • ES – Action applicable for both Entities and Statement Preferences
3 Last KYC Date Specifies the last KYC date. DATE

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

- Y
4 KYC Reference Specifies the KYC Reference Number. VARCHAR2 100 Y
5 KYC Status Specifies the KYC Status of the entity.
Available values are as following:
  • P - Pending
  • V - Verified
  • E - Expired
6 Tax Identification Number Specifies the Tax Identification Number. VARCHAR2 100 Y
7 Identification Number Specifies the Identification Number. VARCHAR2 100 Y
8 Identification Type Specifies the Identification Type.
Valid values are as following:
  • N - National ID
  • P- Passport
  • S - SSN
The values can be updated at bank level as a part of Day 0 setup.
9 Registered Address Pincode Specifies the Pincode of Registered Address. VARCHAR2 15 Y
10 Registered Address Country Specifies the Registered Address Country. VARCHAR2 15 Y
11 Registered Address Line 1 Specifies the Registered Address Line 1. VARCHAR2 105 Y
12 Registered Address Line 2 Specifies the Registered Address Line 2. VARCHAR2 105 Y
13 Registered Address Line 3 Specifies the Registered Address Line 3. VARCHAR2 105 Y
14 Registered Address Line 4 Specifies the Registered Address Line 4. VARCHAR2 105 Y
15 Correspondence Address Pincode Specifies the Pincode of Correspondence Address. VARCHAR2 15 Y
16 Correspondence Address Country Specifies the Correspondence Address Country. VARCHAR2 3 Y
17 Correspondence Address Line 1 Specifies the Correspondence Address Line 1. VARCHAR2 105 Y
18 Correspondence Address Line 2 Specifies the Correspondence Address Line 2. VARCHAR2 105 Y
19 Correspondence Address Line 3 Specifies the Correspondence Address Line 3. VARCHAR2 105 Y
20 Correspondence Address Line 4 Specifies the Correspondence Address Line 4. VARCHAR2 105 Y
21 Entity Type Specifies the Entity Type.
Valid values are as following:
  • C - Corporate
  • I - Individual
22 Virtual Entity Name Specifies the Virtual Entity Name. VARCHAR2 105 Y
23 Virtual Entity ID Specifies the Virtual Entity Identification. VARCHAR2 12 N
24 Real Customer Number Specifies the Real Customer Number for virtual entity creation. VARCHAR2 20 N
25 Doer Remarks Specifies the Requester Remarks. VARCHAR2 200 Y
26 Approver Remarks Specifies the Approver Remarks. VARCHAR2 200 Y
27 Individual Preferred Mode Specifies the Individual Preferred mode of communication.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I”.

Valid values are as following:

  • E - Email
  • M - Mobile
28 Individual Email Specifies the Email Details.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I" and individualDetails_preferredMode as “E”.

29 Individual Work Phone Number Specifies the Work Phone Number.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I”.

30 Individual Work Phone ISD Specifies the International Subscriber Dialing code for Work Phone Number.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I”.

31 Individual Home Phone Number Specifies the Home Phone Number.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I”.

32 Individual Home Phone ISD Specifies the International Subscriber Dialing code for Home Phone Number.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I”.

33 Individual Mobile Number ISD Specifies the International Subscriber Dialing code for Mobile Number.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I" and individualDetails_preferredMode as “M”.

34 Individual Mobile Number Specifies the Mobile Phone Number.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I" and individualDetails_preferredMode as “M”.

35 Individual National ID Specifies the National Identification of Individual.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I”.

36 Individual Nationality Specifies the Nationality of Individual.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I”.

37 Individual Gender Specifies the Gender.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I”.

Valid values are as following:

  • M – Male
  • F – Female
  • O – Others
38 Individual Date Of Birth Specifies the Date of Birth of Individual.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I”.


Format: YYYY-MM-DD

- Y
39 Individual Last Name Specifies the Individual Last Name.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I”.

40 Individual Middle Name Specifies the Individual Middle Name.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I”.

41 Individual First Name Specifies the Individual First Name.

Applicable for Entity Type as “I”.

42 Corporate Date Of Incorporation Specifies the Date of Incorporation of the Corporate.

Applicable for Entity Type as “C”.


Format: YYYY-MM-DD

- Y
43 Corporate Country Of Incorporation Specifies the Country of Incorporation of the Corporate.

Applicable for Entity Type as “C”.

44 Corporate Unique Id Specifies the Unique ID of the Corporate.

Applicable for Entity Type as “C”.

45 Corporate Work Phone 1 ISD Specifies the International Subscriber Dialing code for Work Phone Number1.

Applicable for Entity Type as “C”.

46 Corporate Work Phone No 1 Specifies the Work Phone Number 1.

Applicable for Entity Type as “C”.

47 Corporate Work Phone 2 ISD Specifies the International Subscriber Dialing code for Work Phone Number 2.

Applicable for Entity Type as “C”.

48 Corporate Work Phone No 2 Specifies the Work Phone Number 2.

Applicable for Entity Type as “C”.

49 Corporate Mobile No ISD Specifies the International Subscriber Dialing code for Mobile Number.

Applicable for Entity Type as “C" and individualDetails_preferredMode as “M”.

50 Corporate Mobile No Specifies the Corporate Mobile Number.

Applicable for Entity Type as “C" and individualDetails_preferredMode as “M”.

51 Corporate Email Specifies the Corporate Email Details.

Applicable for Entity Type as “C" and individualDetails_preferredMode as “E”.

52 Corporate Preferred Mode Specifies the Corporate Preferred mode of communication.

Applicable for Entity Type as “C”.

Valid values are as following:

  • E - Email
  • M - Mobile
53 Corporate Entity Type Specifies the Corporate Entity Type.

Applicable for Entity Type as “C”.

Valid values are as following:
  • C - Corporation
  • P - Partnership
  • S - Sole Partnership
  • O - Cooperative
The values can be updated at bank level as a part of Day 0 setup.
54 Generate PDF Statements Indicates if PDF statement is required.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No
55 Statement Type Specifies the PDF Statement Type.

Valid values are as following:

  • C - Consolidated
  • A - Account Level
56 Frequency Specifies the Statement Generation Frequency.

Valid values are as following:

  • D – Daily
  • W – Weekly
  • M – Monthly
  • Q – Quarterly
  • Y – Yearly
57 Due On Specifies the Statement Generation Day.

Applicable for the following Frequency types:

  • D
  • W
  • M
  • Q
  • Y
58 Generate MT 940 Indicates if MT940 is required.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No
59 Generate MT 950 Indicates if MT950 is required.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No
60 Generate MT 942 Indicates if MT942 is required.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No
61 Display IBAN Indicates if IBAN is to be displayed.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No
62 Generate MT942 On Movement Indicates when to generate to MT942.

Applicable if Generate MT 942 is set as Y.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No
VARCHAR2 1 Y (conditional based on Generate MT 942 value)
63 MT 942 Report Transaction Since Applicable if Generate MT 942 is set as Y.

Valid values are as following:

  • 940
  • 950
  • 942
VARCHAR2 4 Y (conditional based on Generate MT 942 value)
64 MT 942 Generation Time Specifies the Generation Time of MT 942 Report. Multiple times can be configured using pipe separator with hourly interval. VARCHAR2 - Y (conditional based on Generate MT 942 value)
65 Generate CAMT 053 Indicates if CAMT.053 is required.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No
66 Generate CAMT 052 Indicates if CAMT.052 is required.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No
67 Generate CAMT 052 On Movement Indicates if Generate CAMT.052 is required.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No
VARCHAR2 1 Y (conditional based on Generate CAMT 052 value)
68 CAMT 052 Report Transaction Since Applicable if Generate CAMT 052 is set as Y.

Valid values are as following:

  • 052
  • 053
VARCHAR2 4 Y (conditional based on Generate CAMT 052 value)
69 CAMT 052 Generation Time Specifies the Generation Time of CAMT.052 Report. Multiple times can be configured using pipe separator with hourly interval. VARCHAR2 - Y (conditional based on Generate CAMT 052 value)
70 Structured Address Department Specifies the structured address - department. VARCHAR2 70 Y
71 Structured Address Sub Department Specifies the structured address – sub-department. VARCHAR2 70 Y
72 Structured Address Street Name Specifies the structured address - street name. VARCHAR2 70 Y
73 Structured Address Building Number Specifies the structured address – building number. VARCHAR2 16 Y
74 Structured Address Building Name Specifies the structured address - building name. VARCHAR2 35 Y
75 Structured Address Floor Specifies the structured address - floor. VARCHAR2 70 Y
76 Structured Address Post Box Specifies the structured address - post box. VARCHAR2 16 Y
77 Structured Address Room Specifies the structured address - room. VARCHAR2 70 Y
78 Structured Address Post Code Specifies the structured address - Post Code. VARCHAR2 16 Y
79 Structured Address Town Name Specifies the structured address - town name. VARCHAR2 35 Y
80 Structured Address Town Location Name Specifies the structured address - town location name. VARCHAR2 35 Y
81 Structured Address District Name Specifies the structured address - district name. VARCHAR2 35 Y
82 Structured Address Country Sub Division Specifies the structured address - country sub divison. VARCHAR2 35 Y
83 Structured Address Country Specifies the structured address - country. VARCHAR2 2 Y
84 BIC Code Customer’s BIC code VARCHAR2 11 Y

3.2 Virtual Account

Virtual Account File Upload is used for the bulk creation, modification and closure of Virtual Accounts.

Feed Name: virtualaccount

The following table describes the details of the file structure.

Table 3-2 Virtual Account - File Structure

Sequence Number Field Name Description Data Type Field Length Modifiable (NA/Y/N)
1 Action Specifies the operation to be performed.

Allowed operations are as following:

  • New: Creation of virtual accounts
  • Modify: Modification of existing virtual accounts
  • Close: Closure of existing virtual accounts
2 Branch Code Specifies the branch under which virtual account to be created. VARCHAR2 3 N
3 Virtual Entity ID Specifies the Virtual Entity for which virtual account to be created. VARCHAR2 12 N
4 Real Customer Number Specifies the Real Customer Number for which the Virtual Account is to be created. VARCHAR2 20 N
5 Account Currency Specifies the Account Currency. VARCHAR2 3 N
6 Virtual Account Product Specifies the product under which virtual account to be created. VARCHAR2 4 N
7 Virtual Account Number Virtual Account Number is applicable for Modify and Close operations. VARCHAR2 20 N
8 IBAN Required Specifies if IBAN is to be generated or not.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y
  • N
9 IBAN Account Number Specifies the IBAN Account Number. VARCHAR2 30 N
10 Virtual Account Name Specifies the virtual account name. VARCHAR2 105 Y
11 Address Line 1 Specifies the Correspondence Address Line 1. VARCHAR2 35 Y
12 Address Line 2 Specifies the Correspondence Address Line 2. VARCHAR2 35 Y
13 Address Line 3 Specifies the Correspondence Address Line 3. VARCHAR2 35 Y
14 Address Line 4 Specifies the Correspondence Address Line 4. VARCHAR2 35 Y
15 Address Pincode Specifies the Correspondence Address Zip code. VARCHAR2 15 Y
16 Address Country Code Specifies the Correspondence Address Country Code. VARCHAR2 3 Y
17 Account Purpose Specifies the description of the Account Purpose. VARCHAR2 105 Y
18 Interest Calculation Required Flag to indicate if Interest Calculation is required for the Virtual Account.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y
  • N
CHAR 1 Y (conditional based on account product)
19 Account Frozen Flag to indicate if whether virtual account is frozen.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y
  • N
CHAR 1 Y (conditional based on account product)
20 Balance Check For Debits Flag to indicate whether balance check is required for debit transactions.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y
  • N
21 Balance Availability Options Balance Options

Available options are as following:

  • O - Own Balance
  • P - Pool Balance
  • B - Own Balance + Fixed Amount from Pool
22 Fixed Amount From Pool Specifies the Fixed Amount contribution from pool.

Applicable if

balAvailabilityOptions = Own Balance + Fixed Amount from Pool.

NUMBER 22, 3 Y (conditional)
23 Overdraft Allowed Flag to indicate whether virtual account can be overdrawn.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y
  • N
CHAR 1 Y (conditional based on account product)
24 Overdraft Sanction Amount Specifies the Overdraft amount sanctioned. NUMBER 22, 3 Y (conditional based on Overdraft Allowed)
25 Credit Transactions Allowed Flag to indicate whether credit transactions are allowed on the virtual account.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y
  • N
CHAR 1 Y (based on account product configuration)
26 Debit Transactions Allowed Flag to indicate whether debit transactions are allowed on the virtual account.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y
  • N
CHAR 1 Y (based on account product configuration)
27 Real Account Linkage Specifies the Real Account Linkage.

Valid values are as following:

  • S - Structure Level
  • A - Account Level

Default value is A.

28 Real Account Number Specifies the Real Account Number.

Applicable if realAccLinkage = A.

29 Real Account Currency Specifies the Real Account Currency.

Applicable if realAccLinkage = A.

30 Real Account Branch Specifies the Real Account Branch.

Applicable if realAccLinkage = A.

31 Overdraft Start Date Specifies the Overdraft Start Date. DATE

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

- Y (conditional based on Overdraft Allowed)
32 Overdraft End Date Specifies the Overdraft End Date. DATE

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

- Y (conditional based on Overdraft Allowed)
33 Remarks Specifies the Account Remarks. VARCHAR2 200 Y
34 Transfer In Virtual Account Number In case of negative balance, a designated Virtual Account Number from which the said amount needs to be transferred from. VARCHAR2 20 NA
35 Transfer Out Virtual Account Number In case of positive balance, a designated Virtual Account Number to which the said amount needs to be transferred to. VARCHAR2 20 NA
36 Structured Address Department Specifies the structured address - department. VARCHAR2 70 Y
37 Structured Address Sub Department Specifies the structured address - sub-department. VARCHAR2 70 Y
38 Structured Address Street Name Specifies the structured address - street name. VARCHAR2 70 Y
39 Structured Address Building Number Specifies the structured address - building number. VARCHAR2 16 Y
40 Structured Address Building Name Specifies the structured address - building name. VARCHAR2 35 Y
41 Structured Address Floor Specifies the structured address - floor. VARCHAR2 70 Y
42 Structured Address Post Box Specifies the structured address - post box. VARCHAR2 16 Y
43 Structured Address Room Specifies the structured address - room. VARCHAR2 70 Y
44 Structured Address Post Code Specifies the structured address - Post Code. VARCHAR2 16 Y
45 Structured Address Town Name Specifies the structured address - town name. VARCHAR2 35 Y
46 Structured Address Town Location Name Specifies the structured address - town location name. VARCHAR2 35 Y
47 Structured Address District Name Specifies the structured address - district name. VARCHAR2 35 Y
48 Structured Address Country Sub Divison Specifies the structured address - country sub divison. VARCHAR2 35 Y
49 Structured Address Country Specifies the structured address - country. VARCHAR2 2 Y
50 Structure Code Specifies an existing structure code for linking to account structure.

The Structure Code should already exist in Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management before uploading the file.

51 Virtual Parent Account Number Specifies the Virtual Parent Account Number of the account structure for linkage.

The Virtual Parent Account Number should already exist in Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management before uploading the file.

52 accLiqdAllowed Specifies the Liquidity Management allowed or not. VARCHAR2 1 Y (conditional based on account product)

3.3 Account Structure

Account Structure File Upload is used for the bulk creation, modification and closure of Virtual Account Structures.

Feed Name: virtualAccountMap

The following table describes the details of the file structure.

Table 3-3 Account Structure - Master Reocrds

Sequence Number Field Name Description Data Type Field Length Modifiable (NA/Y/N)
1 Action

Specifies the operation to be performed.

Allowed operations are as following:

  • New: Creation of Account Structure
  • Modify: Modification of existing account structures
  • Close: Closure of existing account structures
2 Branch Code Specifies the Branch Code. VARCHAR2 3 NA
3 Real Customer Number Specifies the Real Customer Number for which the Account Structure is to be created. VARCHAR2 20 N
4 Structure Code Specifies the Unique Identifier of the Structure. VARCHAR2 20 N
5 Structure Description Specifies the Structure Description. VARCHAR2 35 Y
6 Virtual Main Account Specifies the Virtual Header Account. VARCHAR2 20 N
7 Real Account Number

Specifies the Real Account Number linked to the account structure.

Applicable if the value for Account Linkage is A.

VARCHAR2 20 Y (conditional if the linkage is Real Account)
8 Real Account Branch

Specifies the Real Account Branch.

Applicable if the value for Account Linkage is A.

VARCHAR2 3 Y (conditional if the Real Account is changed)
9 Account Linkage

Specifies the Account Linkage Type.

Valid values are as following:

  • A - Real Account
  • G - Virtual Multi-Currency Account
10 Account Group ID

Specifies the Virtual Multi-Currency Account.

Applicable if the value for Account Linkage is G.

VARCHAR2 8 Y (conditional based on linkage)
11 Interest Calculation Required

Flag to indicate if Interest Calculation is required.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y
  • N
12 Remarks Specifies the Additional Remarks. VARCHAR2 200 Y
13 Charge Account Specifies Customer’s Charge Account VARCHAR2 35 Y
14 Charge Account Branch Charge Account’s Branch VARCHAR2 3 Y
15 Charge Account Currency Charge Account Currency VARCHAR2 3 Y

Table 3-4 Account Structure - Child Records

Sequence Number Field Name Description Data Type Field Length Modifiable (NA/Y/N)
1 Virtual Parent Account Specifies the Parent Virtual Account. VARCHAR2 20 NA
2 Virtual Child Account Specifies the Child Virtual Account. VARCHAR2 20 NA

3.4 Remittance Details

Remittance Details File Upload is used for the bulk creation, modification and closure of Remittance.

Feed Name: remittanceDetails

The following table describes the details of the file structure.

Table 3-5 Remittance Details - File Structure

Sequence Number Field Name Description Data Type Field Length Modifiable (NA/Y/N)
1 Action

Specifies the operation to be performed.

Allowed operations are as following:

  • New: Creation of Remittance IDs
  • Modify: Modification of existing Remittance IDs
  • Close: Closure of existing Remittance IDs
2 Real Customer Number Specifies the Customer Number for which the Remittance ID is maintained. VARCHAR2 20 N
3 Virtual Identifier Specifies the Virtual Identifier of the Corporate VARCHAR2 15 N
4 Remittance ID Specifies the unique Identification of the Remittance ID. VARCHAR2 35 N
5 IBAN Required

Specifies if IBAN is to be generated or not.

Valid values are as following:

  • Y
  • N
6 Validity Start Date Specifies the start date of Remittance ID DATE

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

- Y
7 Validity End Date Specifies the end date of Remittance ID DATE

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

- Y
8 Reconciliation Information Specifies the Reference number provided by the corporate for reconciliation purpose. VARCHAR2 255 Y
9 Additional Information Specifies the additional information provided by the corporate for further use. VARCHAR2 255 Y
10 Remarks

Specifies the Remarks.

Applicable for closure of Remittance ID.


3.5 Journal Posting

Journal Posting File Upload is used for the bulk upload of the journal postings.

Feed Name: JournalPosting

The following table describes the details of the file structure.

Table 3-6 Journal Posting - Master Records

Sequence Number Field Name Description Data Type Field Length
1 Discriminator

Specifies the discriminator for Parent Record.

Allowed Discriminator value = P

- -
2 Action

Specifies the operation to be performed.

Allowed operations are as following:

  • New: Creation of Transaction Journal
3 Source Code Specifies the Source Code. VARCHAR2 15
4 Source Reference No Specifies the Source Reference number. VARCHAR2 20
5 SkipDDAEntries

Specifies the indicator to skip DDA entries.

Valid values are as following:

  • true - To skip DDAEntries
  • false - Not to SkipDDAEntries

Table 3-7 Journal Posting - Child Records

Sequence Number Field Name Description Data Type Field Length
1 Discriminator

Specifies the discriminator for child record.

Allowed Discriminator value = C

2 TxnAccount Specifies the Transaction Account Number. VARCHAR2 35
3 TxnAccountCcy Specifies the Transaction Account Currency. VARCHAR2 3
4 TxnAccountBrn Specifies the Transaction Account Branch. VARCHAR2 3
5 DrCrInd

Specifies the Debit/Credit Indicator.

Valid Values are as following:

  • D - Debit
  • C - Credit
6 ForceDebit

Specifies the ForceDebit Indicator.

Valid Values are as following:

  • N
  • Y
7 TxnCcy Specifies the Transaction Currency. VARCHAR2 3
8 TxnAmount Specifies the Transaction Amount. NUMBER 22, 3
9 TxnCode Specifies the Transaction Code. VARCHAR2 3
10 ValueDate Specifies the Value Date. DATE

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

11 ExchRate Specifies the Exchange Rate for the Currency. NUMBER 24, 12
12 AmtInTxnAccCcy Specifies the Amount in Transaction Account Currency. NUMBER 22, 3
13 ReconRefNo Specifies the Recon Reference Number. VARCHAR2 35
14 EcaOrBlockRefNo Specifies ECA or Block Reference Number. VARCHAR2 35
15 BlkReleaseStatus

Specifies the Block Release Status.

Valid values are as following:

  • F - Full BlkRelease
  • P- Partial BlkRelease
16 DdaOffset Specifies the DDA Offset Number. VARCHAR2 35
17 AddlText Specifies the additional text. VARCHAR2 4000

3.6 Journal Posting Reversal

Journal Posting Reversal File Upload is used for the bulk reversal of the transaction journals.

Feed Name: JournalPostingRev

The following table describes the details of the file structure.

Table 3-8 Journal Posting Reversal - File Structure

Sequence Number Field Name Description Data Type Field Length
1 txnRefNo Specifies the Transaction Reference Number to be reversed. VARCHAR2 35