C Annexure - Events

This topic contains the events and its purpose.

Table C-1 List of Events

Events Purpose
vac.accountfacilitynotification Event is generated when a Virtual Account Facility is Created/ Modified/Closed
vae.virtualentitynotification Event is generated when a Virtual Entity is Created/ Modified/Closed/Re-Opened
vam.virtualaccountnotification Event is generated when a Virtual Account is Created/ Modified/Closed/Re-Opened
vam.accountstructurenotification Event is generated when a Virtual Account Structure is Created/ Modified/Closed/Re-Opened
vam.sanctioncheckupdatenotification Event is generated when an Account Sanction Status is updated
vam.accountbalancenotification Event is generated to provide the Account balance notification to reporting service.
vas.genericdashboardeventrequest Event is generated for unauthorised transaction count.
vam.sanctioncheckupdatenotification Event is generated when an Account Sanction Status is updated.
vamlm.branchchargeeventrequest Event raised to push branch level currency conversion configuration for Charges.
vamlm.structurechargesnotification Event raised to push Charge Preferences at Structure level.
vamlm.chargebasisnotification Event raised to update the action and count related to
  • account Creation/Closure/Reopen
  • Transaction create/reverse
  • sweep transaction in Oracle Banking Liquidity Management
vac.ccyaccgroupnotification Event populates data in projection service for Virtual Multi- Currency Account Group
vamlm.pricingmapnotification Event raised to push Charge Preferences at Customer level
vae.statementpreferencenotification Event is generated whenever the statement generation preference changes.