

This guide provides the information on the required set up to run the End of Day process.


This guide is primarily intended for the following user/user roles:

Table -1 Audience

Role Function
Implementation and IT Staff Implementation and maintenance of the software

Acronyms and Abbreviations

The list of acronyms and abbreviations that you are likely to find in the guide are as follows:

Table -2 Acronyms

Abbreviation Description
API Application Programming Interface
EOD End of Day

List of Topics

This guide is organized as follows:

Table -3 List of Topics

Topics Description
Introduction This topic provides the information on the EOD process.
EOD Configuration This topic provides the information on the functional activities needs to be maintained in user’s role to perform EOD operations.
Job Definition Naming Convention This topic provides the information on naming convention to be followed when a custom job is introduced as a task into EOD process.
Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management Job This topic provides the information on Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management Job table.

Related Documents

The related documents are as follows:

  • Oracle Banking Security Management System User Guide
  • Oracle Banking Common Core User Guide
  • Oracle Banking Getting Started User Guide
  • Overview User Guide
  • Customer and Accounts User Guide
  • Charges User Guide
  • Configuration User Guide
  • Transactions User Guide
  • Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management Installation Guide