2.8 Virtual Accounts & Structures

This topic provides information about Virtual Account & Structures. The user can view the summary of virtual accounts and virtual account structures for the customer selected in Corporates widget.

From Home, Click Dashboard.

The Virtual Accounts & Structures screen displays.

Figure 2-8 Virtual Accounts & Structures

Table 2-8 Virtual Accounts & Structures - Component Description

Component Number Description
1 Displays the real and virtual multi-currency accounts of the customer selected in Corporates widget
2 Displays the number of virtual accounts and virtual account structures linked to real accounts and virtual multi-currency accounts of the customer selected in Corporates widget.
3 Click on Filter option to view the accounts and structure specific to a real account or virtual multicurrency account.
Click on Linked Structures Hyperlink, the pop-up is displayed with structure details.

Table 2-9 Structure Details - Field Description

Field Description
Structure ID Displays the structure ID of the real account
Structure Description Displays the structure description of real account.
Header Account Displays the header account number of real account.
Click on Linked Accounts Hyperlink, the pop-up is displayed with account details

Table 2-10 Account Details - Field Description

Field Description
Account Number Displays the virtual account number.
Account Name Displays the virtual account holder name
Account Currency Displays the currency type of virtual account
Currency Balance Displays the currency balance of virtual account.
Account Purpose Displays the purpose of virtual account.