External Virtual Account Service REST Endpoints

Common Core Services/External Virtual Account Service
This service is used to create virtual accounts in plato common core as external virtual accounts. External Virtual Accounts will be populated from OBVAM account service on authorization of new Virtual account.
Adds the new core virtual accounts
Method: post
Path: /service/corevirtualaccounts
Close the core virtual account by given Natural Key
Method: patch
Path: /service/corevirtualaccounts/{virtualAccountNo}/close
Get all valid core virtual accounts
Method: get
Path: /service/corevirtualaccounts
Modifies the core virtual accounts for a natural key
Method: put
Path: /service/corevirtualaccounts/{virtualAccountNo}
Reopen the core virtual account by given Natural Key
Method: patch
Path: /service/corevirtualaccounts/{virtualAccountNo}/reopen
Retrieves the core virtual accounts by natural key
Method: get
Path: /service/corevirtualaccounts/{virtualAccountNo}