A Error Codes and Messages

This topic contains error codes and messages.

Table A-1 List of Error Codes and Messages

Screen Name Error Code Error Message
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-072 virtualAccountIdentifier is a mandatory input
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-25 Virtual Accounts doesn't belong to same real Account
All Screens VAM-BAL-017 Virtual Account number, from date and to date, all three are mandatory fields
Amount Block VAB-ECA-23 Virtual Account is not mapped to Real Account
Amount Block VAB-ECA-07 Virtual Account $1 cannot be passed multiple times.
All Screens VAM-BAL-021 Virtual Account $1 and currency $2 combination is Invalid
Amount Block VAB-ECA-31 Valid Value DateÂ
All Screens GCS-AUTH-02 Valid modifications for approval were not sent. Failed to match
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-048 User rate queue of Transaction with $1 ID should get Authorize First
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-049 User cannot Authorize Exchange rate queue record before Accepting the Exchange Rate
Amount Block VAB-ECA-54 Updated Transaction status successfully with out new Exch Rate
Amount Block VAB-ECA-26 Updated Released Amount Successfully
All Screens GCS-REOP-04 Unauthorized record cannot be reopened, record should be closed and authorized
All Screens GCS-REOP-01 Unauthorized Record cannot be Reopened
All Screens GCS-CLOS-03 Unauthorized record cannot be closed, it can be deleted before first authorization
All Screens GCS-COM-006 Unable to parse JSON
All Screens EDA-ACC-017 Txn Came in Async Mode hence batch will process the records from Tank Tables which are UnProcessed
Amount Block VAB-ECA-25 Txn Amount and Approved Amt are not sameÂ
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-013 Transaction with $1 ID doesn't exist
All Screens VAI-RMLS-08 Transaction Value Date should be Less than the Validity End Date Of Remitter ID
All Screens VAI-RMLS-07 Transaction Value Date should be Greater than the Validity Start Date Of Remitter ID
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-020 Transaction successfully saved
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-022 Transaction successfully reversed
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-016 Transaction successfully deleted
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-017 Transaction successfully authorized
Amount Block VAB-ECA-81 Transaction Status is not in Pending status in Block Queue
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-034 Transaction Rolled Back due to failure
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-031 Transaction Rolled Back due to failure
All Screens EDA-VAT-001 Transaction Rolled Back due to failure
Amount Block VAB-ECA-30 Transaction Request to ECAÂ is Empty
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-019 Transaction persistence failed

Internal Transfer

Journal Online

VAM-ACCK-013 Transaction not allowed for virtual account $1 as account closure initiated for the same
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-018 Transaction is not in unauthorized state
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-052 Transaction details cannot be empty while posting a transaction
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-11 Transaction Currency and Offset Currency must be same
Amount Block VAB-ECA-63 Transaction currency and block currency for the provided ECA reference number is different
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-071 Transaction Branch is mandatory for Identifier Real account fetch
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-01 Transaction Account and Offset Account cannot be the same
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-024 This transaction was created by reversal hence should not be reversed
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-012 The request sent for transaction posting can not be null
All Screens GCS-VAL-001 The record is successfully validated.
All Screens GCS-SAV-003 The record is saved and validated successfully.
Amount Block VAB-ECA-62 The amount to be released is greater than approved amount
All Screens VAM-BAL-005 Sufficient funds available for $1
All Screens VAM-BAL-002 Successfully validated and updated balance
All Screens VAM-BAL-012 Successfully updated turn over balance
All Screens VAM-BAL-007 Successfully updated data into Value Dated table for $1
All Screens EDA-ACC-010 Successfully retrieved the for the inter DDA GLs
All Screens VAM-BAL-014 Successfully retrieved
All Screens GC-REOP-03 Successfully Reopened
All Screens GCS-REOP-003 Successfully Reopened
All Screens GCS-REOP-03 Successfully Reopened
All Screens VAM-BAL-024 Successfully merged account details for Untanking batch
All Screens VAM-BAL-006 Successfully inserted data into Value Dated table for $1
All Screens VAM-BAL-008 Successfully inserted data into Account Transaction table for $1
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-073 Successfully Fetched real account
All Screens GCS-COM-010 Successfully cancelled $1.
All Screens EDA-EAC-004 Source system is null for one of the Real accounts in VAC
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-040 Skip DDA Entries flag should not be set for identifier transactions
All Screens GCS-DEL-004 Send all unauthorized modifications to be deleted for record that is not authorized even once.
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-011 Saved and authorized successfully
Amount Block VAB-ECA-44 Rolled back the release flow of Amount Block
Amount Block VAB-ECA-32 Rolled back the Locked and Released Blocked Amounts
Amount Block VAB-ECA-66 Rolled Back release ECA due to failure in auto-authorization
Amount Block VAB-ECA-67 Rolled Back create ECA due to failure in auto-auth
Amount Block VAB-ECA-39 Rollback the callExternal DDA of closeECA
Amount Block VAB-ECA-43 Rollback the authorized Regulatory Block Type due to Failure
All Screens EDA-ACC-016 ReverseTxn cannot be called for Sync Txn Reference: $1
All Screens EDA-REV-004 Reverse Transaction in OBVAM FailedÂ
All Screens EDA-REV-005 Reverse Transaction in DDA FailedÂ
All Screens EDA-REV-002 Reverse failed with exception
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-006 Reversal is not allowed for transactions with ECA reference number
All Screens EDA-REV-007 Returning Success as there are no records to reverse
All Screens EDA-ACC-015 Retry cannot be called for Sync Txn Reference: $1
All Screens GCS-COM-009 Resource ID cannot be blank or "null".
Amount Block VAB-ECA-29 Requested ECA References does not exists in Database
Amount Block VAB-ECA-04 Requested Amount Block must be greater than zero
All Screens GCS-COM-007 Request Successfully Processed
All Screens GCS-COM-005 Request is Null. Please Resend with Proper Values
Amount Block VAB-ECA-06 Request is Null. Please Resend with Proper Values
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-22 Request is Null. Please Resend with Proper Values
All Screens VAI-IDCH-07 Remittance Detail is not configured for the associated remitter list id
Amount Block VAB-ECA-27 Released Amount cannot be greater than Approved Amount
All Screens GCS-DEL-002 Record(s) deleted successfully
Amount Block VAB-ECA-65 Record with the Block refrenece No not found
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-045 Record Updation Failed
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-044 Record Successfully Updated
Amount Block VAB-ECA-45 Record Successfully Saved and Authorized
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-15 Record Successfully Reversed
All Screens EDA-REV-003 Record Successfully Reversed
All Screens GCS-MOD-002 Record Successfully Modified
All Screens GC-CLS-02 Record Successfully Closed
All Screens GCS-CLOS-002 Record Successfully Closed
All Screens GCS-CLOS-02 Record Successfully Closed
All Screens GCS-AUTH-01 Record Successfully Authorized
Amount Block VAB-ECA-17 Record Successfully Authorized
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-16 Record Successfully Authorized
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-046 Record Successfully Authorized
Amount Block VAB-ECA-52 Record Successfully Approved from Amount QueueÂ
All Screens GCS-SAV-002 Record Saved Successfully.
Amount Block VAB-ECA-05 Record Saved Successfully
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-23 Record Saved Successfully
Amount Block VAB-ECA-21 Record Released Successfully
All Screens GCS-MOD-003 Record marked for close, cannot modify.
Amount Block VAB-ECA-20 Record is already released
Amount Block VAB-ECA-12 Record doesn't Exist
Amount Block VAB-ECA-18 Record doesn't Exist
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-05 Record doesn't Exist
All Screens GCS-COM-001 Record does not exist
All Screens GCS-DEL-001 Record deleted successfully
Amount Block VAB-ECA-11 Record deleted successfully
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-17 Record deleted successfully
Amount Block VAB-ECA-57 Record cannot be authorized until Amount Block Queue is Approved
All Screens EDA-REV-001 Record already reversed.
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-10 Record Already reversed
All Screens GCS-SAV-001 Record already exists
All Screens GCS-CLOS-01 Record Already Closed
Amount Block VAB-ECA-15 Record already authorized
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-07 Record already authorized
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-20 Real Customer No does not Exist
All Screens EDA-EAC-003 Real account details for $1 are not maintained in Common core Accounts
All Screens EDA-EAC-002 Real account check failed in $1 source system
Amount Block VAB-ECA-55 Rate Code and Rate Type details are empty fetched from VAM Branch Parameter
All Screens GCS-COM-003 Please Send Proper ModNo
All Screens GCS-COM-004 Please send makerId in the request
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-010 Please login into the transaction posted branch for doing any operations on the same
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-12 Please Authorize the new record.
All Screens GCS-MOD-007 Only the maker can modify the pending records.
All Screens GCS-MOD-004 Only maker of the record can modify before once auth
All Screens GCS-DEL-005 Only Maker of first version of record can delete modifications of record that is not once authorized.
Amount Block VAB-ECA-10 Only maker can delete the Record
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-14 Only maker can delete the Record
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-025 Only maker can delete a transaction
All Screens VAI-IDCH-01 Only Credit Transactions are allowed for Identifier Account $1
All Screens EDA-ACC-007 One or more real account is not maintained in the facility screen properly
All Screens EDA-ACC-008 One or more DDA offset GL is not maintained in the common core external chart accountsÂ
Amount Block VAB-ECA-34 One of Requested ECA Block Reference does not exists in Vab table
All Screens GCS-MOD-005 Not amendable field, cannot modify
All Screens GCS-DEL-006 No valid unauthorized modifications found for deletingÂ
All Screens GCS-AUTH-04 Â No Valid unauthorized modifications found for approval.
All Screens VAM-BAL-011 No response has come after call to turn over balance
All Screens VAM-BAL-010 No records sent to post turn over balance
All Screens VAI-IDCH-06 No Real Account is Mapped for the Identifier Account $1 and Currency $2
All Screens GCS-MOD-006 Natural Key cannot be modified
All Screens EDA-EAC-005 Multi DDA Transactions are not allowed
All Screens GCS-COM-008 Modifications should be consecutive.Â
All Screens GCS-DEL-003 Modifications didn't match valid unauthorized modifications that can be deleted for this record
All Screens GCS-AUTH-03 Â Maker cannot authorize
Amount Block VAB-ECA-16 Maker cannot authorize
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-08 Maker cannot authorize
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-026 Maker and checker cannot be same
All Screens VAM-ACCK-012 KYC Status is $1 for Virtual Entity $2
Amount Block VAB-ECA-14 Key Id is null
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-06 Key Id is null
All Screens VAM-BAL-016 It is mandatory to pass either the virtual account number or the value date to fetch records
Amount Block VAB-ECA-08 Invalid virtual account $1 and currency $2
All Screens VAM-ACCK-011 Invalid Virtual Account $1
Amount Block VAB-ECA-59 Invalid virtual account $1
All Screens GCS-COM-002 Invalid version sent, operation can be performed only on latest version
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-002 Invalid value $1 for transaction currency
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-003 Invalid value $1 for transaction code
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-001 Invalid value $1 for transaction branch
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-005 Invalid value $1 for Source Code
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-004 Invalid value $1 for DDA Offset number
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-02 Invalid Transaction Code
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-27 Invalid Source Code $1
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-03 Invalid Offset Transaction Code
All Screens VAI-IDCH-03 Invalid Identifier for Branch Code $1 and Account $2
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-19 Invalid Currency $1
All Screens VAI-IDCH-02 Invalid Branch for the Account $1
All Screens VAM-BAL-003 Insufficient funds for $1 account
All Screens VAM-BAL-004 Insufficient funds for $1Â
Amount Block VAB-ECA-60 If Requested amount in Virtual Account currency is given then Exchange rate between Block Currency and Virtual Account currency is mandatory
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-042 If exchange rate is given, then Amount in virtual account currency is mandatory
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-050 If exchange rate for DDA local ccy amount is given, then Amount in DDA local currency is mandatory
Amount Block VAB-ECA-61 If Exchange rate between Block Currency and Virtual Account currency is given then Requested amount in Virtual Account currency is mandatory
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-043 If Amount in virtual account currency is given, then exchange rate is mandatory
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-055 If Amount in DDA local currency is given, then exchange rate for DDA local ccy amount is mandatory
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-070 given input is not a valid virtual account/IBAN/identifier
All Screens VAM-BAL-018 From date cannot be greater than to date
Amount Block VAB-ECA-37 Fetched DDAECAReferenceNumbder based on Block Ref No
All Screens EDA-ACC-006 Failed while rollback, please check the business exception queue for further details
All Screens VAI-IDCH-05 Failed while parsing Application date during Identifier Check
All Screens VAM-BAL-015 Failed while fetching the records for the given combination, please check the logs for further details
Amount Block VAB-ECA-46 Failed to update balance in VAM
Amount Block VAB-ECA-13 Failed to update balance
All Screens VAM-BAL-001 Failed to save Account Balance
All Screens EDA-ACC-011 Failed to retrieve the inter DDA GLs
All Screens VAM-BAL-025 Failed to retrieve current balance
All Screens GCS-REOP-02 Failed to Reopen the Record, cannot reopen Open records
All Screens VAM-BAL-023 Failed to merge Account Balance details for Tanked Batch
All Screens VAM-BAL-013 Failed to insert turn over balance for virtual account $1
All Screens GCS-DEL-007 Failed to delete. Only maker of the modification(s) can delete.
All Screens EDA-REV-006 Failed to call Transaction Journal Service
All Screens VAM-BAL-009 Failed to build URL to call Turn over balance
Amount Block VAB-ECA-42 Failed to Authorize the releaseBlock, Hence rollbacked the Balance
All Screens VAM-BAL-020 Failed to acquire balances of participating account(s)
All Screens VAM-BAL-022 Failed to acquire account details of participating account(s)
Journal Online VAT-INT-037 Failed in interacting with VAS domain
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-037 Failed in interacting with VAS domain
Journal Online VAT-INT-033 Failed in interacting with VAM domain
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-028 Failed in interacting with VAM domain
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-027 Failed in interacting with VAI domain
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-029 Failed in interacting with EDA domain
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-034 Failed in interacting with ECA domain
All Screens EDA-ACC-004 Failed in fetching local branch currency. Please check logs for further details.
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-039 Failed in fetching branch status
Amount Block VAB-ECA-22 Failed in External DDA
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-18 Failed during update balance
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-24 Failed during Statement update
Journal Online VAT-EXAC-001 External Account Check failed
Amount Block VAB-ECA-01 Expiry Date is less than Effective Date
Amount Block VAB-ECA-24 Expiry Date cannot be less than Value date
Amount Block VAB-ECA-02 Expiry Date Cannot be less than Application Date
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-26 Exception occurred during Account Check
Journal Online VAT-EIC-001 EIC is success for $1
Amount Block VAB-ECA-41 Effective Date should be same as Application date and Application date is $1
Amount Block VAB-ECA-03 Effective Date Cannot be less than the Application date
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-035 ECA reference number should not be given for identifier based transactions
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-033 ECA reference number should not be given for credit transactions
All Screens EDA-EAC-006 EacRequiredFlag is N hence External Account check skipped
Journal Online VAM-EAC-008 EAC is success for $1Â
Journal Online VAT-EAC-001 EAC is success for $1
All Screens VAM-ACCK-008 EAC is success for $1Â
Amount Block VAB-ECA-75 EAC failed
All Screens VAM-ACCK-010 EAC failed
Amount Block VAB-ECA-64 During full release, txn amt must be equal to outstanding amount
Amount Block VAB-ECA-71 Debits are not allowed on $1 account
Journal Online VAM-EAC-005 Debits are not allowed on $1 account
All Screens VAM-ACCK-005 Debits are not allowed on $1 account
Amount Block VAB-ECA-53 Data Merged successfully in the User Queue
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-007 Currency URL building has failed, so transaction save failed
Amount Block VAB-ECA-47 Currency URL building has failed, so Currency Conversion failed
Amount Block VAB-ECA-48 Currency Conversion amount and rate is null
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-008 Currency amount and rate is null for $1 and $2
Journal Online VAM-EAC-004 Credits are not allowed on $1 account
All Screens VAM-ACCK-004 Credits are not allowed on $1 account
Amount Block VAB-ECA-49 CreateECA of EDA Failed and also failed to rollback the balance of CreateBlock
Amount Block VAB-ECA-36 Combination of Virtual Account and ECA Block Ref does not exists in the VAB details table
Amount Block VAB-ECA-51 CloseECA of EDA failed and also Failed to rollback the balance of releaseBlock
All Screens GCS-MOD-001 Closed Record cannot be modified
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-09 Cannot be Reversed as the txn is unauthorized!
Amount Block VAB-ECA-19 Cannot be Released as the Amount Block is unauthorized!
Amount Block VAB-ECA-33 Cannot be Lock/Released as the record is unauthorized
Journal Online VAT-EAC-010 Call for Account Check failed
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-057 Branch is not maintained in VAM
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-31 Booking date is not in the required format
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-30 Booking date is different from Current Application date
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-032 Booking date defaulted to current Application date
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-036 Booking date and Application date are different
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-041 Block reference number should not be sent for transactions which are not being posting to DDA system
Amount Block VAB-ECA-28 Block Ref number is already locked by $1 Process Reference number
Amount Block VAB-ECA-40 Block Details list is emptyÂ
Amount Block VAB-ECA-09 Authorized record cannot be deleted
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-04 Authorized record cannot be deleted
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-023 Authorize the reversal transaction not the original transaction
Amount Block VAB-ECA-50 Authorize of Block failed and also failed to rollback balanceÂ
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-047 Authorization Failed
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-051 Approved record cannot be modify
Amount Block VAB-ECA-80 amount block queue is already approved
Amount Block VAB-ECA-58 Amount Block Queue cannot be Approved before updating exchange rate
Amount Block VAB-ACC-143 Amount Block not allowed for virtual account/s with posting restrictions for specific status
Amount Block VAB-ACC-142 Amount block not allowed as closure request initiated for virtual account
Amount Block VAB-ECA-35 Already Unlocked as Part of Compensation of Lock and Release Amount Block
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-13 Already reversed record cannot be reversed
Amount Block VAB-ECA-38 Already locked By some other Block Reference Nos
All Screens EDA-ACC-009 All the GLs and real accounts are maintained properly
All Screens VAI-IDCH-04 Account Numbers are repeated
All Screens EDA-EAC-001 Account is Valid
All Screens VAM-ACCK-014 Account is not mapped to Real Account Number
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-038 Account currency entered is different from actual account currency
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-074 Account Branch entered is different from actual account branch
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-021 $1 transaction has been reversed already
Journal Online VAM-EAC-007 $1 transaction code is not allowed for $2
All Screens VAM-ACCK-007 $1 transaction code is not allowed for $2
All Screens EDA-ACC-005 $1 source code is not maintained in OBVAM
All Screens EDA-ECA-002 $1 Source Code is not configured to form a new Adapter
All Screens EDA-ECA-001 $1 Source Code is not configured
All Screens EDA-ACC-001 $1 real account is not maintained in the common core
All Screens GCS-COM-011 $1 failed to update.Â
Internal Transfer VAI-INT-21 $1 Branch Code is not ValidÂ
Amount Block VAB-ECA-69 $1 account is not in open status
Journal Online VAM-EAC-002 $1 account is not in open status
Amount Block VAB-ECA-72 $1 account is not in Active status
Journal Online VAM-EAC-006 $1 account is not in Active status
All Screens VAM-ACCK-006 $1 account is not in Active status
Amount Block VAB-ECA-68 $1 account is in unauthorized state
Journal Online VAM-EAC-001 $1 account is in unauthorized state
Amount Block VAB-ECA-70 $1 account is frozen
Journal Online VAM-EAC-003 $1 account is frozen
Amount Block VAB-ECA-74 $1 account doesn't have a real account mapped
All Screens VAM-ACCK-009 $1 account doesn't have a real account mapped
Journal Online VAT-JNOL-075 Value date cannot be prior to virtual account opening date $1