A Error Codes and Messages

This topic contains the error codes and messages.

Table A-1 Error Codes and Messages

Error Code Messages
GCS-COM-009 Resource ID cannot be blank or null.
GCS-COM-010 Successfully cancelled $1.
GCS-COM-011 $1 failed to update.
GCS-MOD-007 Only the maker can modify the pending records.
GCS-SAV-003 The record is saved and validated successfully.
GCS-VAL-001 The record is successfully validated.
GCS-AUTH-01 Record Successfully Authorized.
GCS-AUTH-02 Valid modifications for approval were not sent. Failed to match
GCS-AUTH-03 Maker cannot authorize.
GCS-AUTH-04 No Valid unauthroized modifications found for approval.
GCS-CLOS-002 Record Successfully Closed.
GCS-CLOS-01 Record Already Closed.
GCS-CLOS-02 Record Successfully Closed.
GCS-CLOS-03 Unauthorized record cannot be closed, it can be deleted before first authorization.
GCS-COM-001 Record does not exist.
GCS-COM-002 Invalid version sent, operation can be performed only on latest version.
GCS-COM-003 Please Send Proper ModNo
GCS-COM-004 Please send makerId in the request
GCS-COM-005 Request is Null. Please Resend with Proper SELECT
GCS-COM-006 Unable to parse JSON
GCS-COM-007 Request Successfully Processed
GCS-COM-008 Modifications should be consecutive.
GCS-DEL-001 Record deleted successfully
GCS-DEL-002 Record(s) deleted successfully
GCS-DEL-003 Modifications didnt match valid unauthorized modifications that can be deleted for this record
GCS-DEL-004 Send all unauthorized modifications to be deleted for record that is not authorized even once.
GCS-DEL-005 Only Maker of first version of record can delete modifications of record that is not once authorized.
GCS-DEL-006 No valid unauthroized modifications found for deleting
GCS-DEL-007 Failed to delete. Only maker of the modification(s) can delete.
GCS-MOD-001 Closed Record cannot be modified
GCS-MOD-002 Record Successfully Modified
GCS-MOD-003 Record marked for close, cannot modify.
GCS-MOD-004 Only maker of the record can modify before once auth
GCS-MOD-005 Not amendable field, cannot modify
GCS-MOD-006 Natural Key cannot be modified
GCS-REOP-003 Successfully Reopened
GCS-REOP-01 Unauthorized Record cannot be Reopened
GCS-REOP-02 Failed to Reopen the Record, cannot reopen Open records
GCS-REOP-03 Successfully Reopened
GCS-REOP-04 Unauthorized record cannot be reopened, record should be closed and authorized
GCS-SAV-001 Record already exists
GCS-SAV-002 Record Saved Successfully.
GCS-REJ-001 A rejected record cannot be closed. Please delete this modification.
GCS-REJ-002 A rejected record cannot be reopened. Please delete this modification.
GCS-REJ-003 Invalid modifications sent for reject. Highest modification must also be included.
GCS-REJ-004 Record Rejected successfully
GCS-REJ-005 Maker cannot reject the record.
GCS-REJ-006 Checker remarks are mandatory while rejecting.
GCS-REJ-007 No valid modifications found for reject.
GCS-REJ-008 Invalid modifications sent for reject. Consecutive modifications must be included.
VLC-DEF-001 Mandatory Fields are missing
VLC-DEF-002 Incorrect value for charge category
VLC-DEF-003 Invalid Credit charge account
VLC-DEF-004 Invalid transaction code
VLC-DEF-005 There are active charge decisions for this charge code
VLC-DEC-001 Invalid event
VLC-DEC-002 Invalid Pricing Scheme
VLC-DEC-003 Mandatory Fields are missing
VLC-DEC-004 At least one Charge -Rule decision is mandatory
VLC-DEC-006 Effective date cannot be a past date
VLC-DEC-007 Expiry date should always greater than Effective Date
VLC-DEC-009 Mandatory fields are missing in Charge Decision details
VLC-DEC-010 Invalid Charge Type. It should be either customer/structure
VLC-DEC-011 Invalid Charge code
VLC-DEC-013 Invalid Charge criteria for input event and charge type
VLC-DEC-014 Obvam setup charge has to be defined at customer level
VLC-DEC-015 Structure setup charge has to be defined at structure level
VLC-DEC-016 Invalid value for frequency
VLC-DEC-017 Parent charge code is mandatory when charge crtiteria is Parent charge code
VLC-DEC-018 Same charge cannot be mapped to two rules in the same decision
VLC-PDC-001 Mandatory Fields are missing
VLC-PDC-002 The customer is not mapped to pricing schme
VLC-PDC-004 At least one Charge -Rule decision is mandatory
VLC-PDC-006 Effective date cannot be a past date
VLC-PDC-007 Expiry date should always greater than Effective Date
VLC-PDC-009 Mandatory fields are missing in Charge Decision details
VLC-PDC-010 Invalid Charge Type. It should be either customer/structure
VLC-PDC-011 Invalid Charge code
VLC-PDC-013 Invalid Charge criteria for the charge type
GCS-AUTH-05 Failed to Authorize the record
GCS-CLOS-04 Failed to Close the record
GCS-COM-012 Error saving child datasegment, Master validation failed
GCS-COM-013 Error saving the datasegment
GCS-COM-014 Error validating the datasegment
GCS-COM-015 Error submitting the datasegment
GCS-COM-016 Unexpected error occured during runtime
GCS-COM-017 Error deleting the extended datasegment
GCS-COM-018 Remove lock failed
GCS-COM-019 Revert call to extended datasegment failed
GCS-COM-020 Revert call to subdomain datasegment failed
GCS-COM-021 Error deleting the subdomain datasegment
GCS-COM-022 Authorize call to extended datasegment failed
GCS-COM-023 Authorize call to subdomain datasegment failed
GCS-COM-025 Client error occurred during API call
GCS-COM-026 Invalid datasegment code
GCS-DEL-008 Failed to Delete the record
GCS-DEL-009 No valid prevalidated modifications found for deletion
GCS-MOD-008 Failed to Update the record
GCS-REOP-05 Failed to Reopen the record
GCS-REVT-01 Record reverted successfully
GCS-REVT-02 Failed to Revert the record
GCS-SAV-004 Failed to create the record
GCS-LOCK-01 Remove dirty lock failed
PLATO-EVNT-001 Failed to update
PLATO-EVNT-002 Record already exists
ST-AUTH-001 Current Branch should be $1 to perform this operation