7 Charge Inquiry

This topic describes the systematic instructions to query the charges for a customer for a specified charge calculation period.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home Screen, click Virtual Account Management. Under Virtual Account Management , click Charges.
  2. Under Charges, click Charge Inquiry. Under Charge Inquiry, click Charge Inquiry.
    The Charge Inquiry screen displays.
  3. On Charge Inquiry screen, specify the fields.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 7-1 Charge Inquiry - Field Description

    Field Description
    Customer ID Click Search icon to view and select the Customer ID for whom the charges needs to be queried.
    Customer Name Displays the name of the customer based on Customer ID selected.
    Charge Code Click Search icon to view and select the charge code.
    Charge Description Displays the description of the charge code.
    Collection Status Select the collection status.
    The available options are
    • FAILED
    Charge Period Date Range Select the date range for which the charges has to be queried.
    Search Click this button to query the charge details.
    Reset Click this button to reset the search criteria.
    From Date Displays the charge period start date.
    To Date Displays the charge period end date.
    Additional Info Displays the additional information like charge reference number, charge description and structure code for structure level charges.
    Description Displays the description of the charges.
    CCY Displays the currency of the charges.
    Amount Displays the charge amount.
    Charge Account CCY Displays the currency of the charge account.
    Charge Account Displays the charge account.
    Exchange Rate Displays the exchange rate used in case the charge currency and charge account currency are different.
    Posted Amount Displays the posted amount to the charge account.
    Collection Date Displays the collection status.
    Collection Status Displays the collection status.
    Error Description Displays the error in case of charge posting failures.
    Charge Code Displays the charge code.
  4. Click Export to export the details in .csv format.