1.4 Maintenance for Interest and Charges services

This topic describes the specific maintenances required for Interest and Charges services to integrate with Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management through Oracle Banking Routing Hub.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. In Oracle Banking Routing Hub, create an entry for the integration of Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management with Interest and Charges services. Provide the details of account handoff and other details along with the header information. Refer to Oracle Banking Routing Hub Integration Guide for a detailed explanation.

Upload Source Maintenance for Interest and Charges services

Perform the maintenance for Interest and Charges services in the Upload Source screen to enable auto authorization for service APIs.

Refer to Oracle Banking Common Core User Guide for the detailed explanation.

  1. On Home screen, click Core Maintenance. Under Core Maintenance, click Upload Source.
  2. Under Upload Source, click Create Upload Source.
    The Create Upload Source screen appears.

    Figure 1-4 Create Upload Source - Interest and Charges services