Uncollected Amount Manual Release Service REST Endpoints

Account Services/Uncollected Amount Manual Release Service
This service is used for releasing uncollected amount.
API to authorize the manually released uncollected amount
Method: patch
Path: /service/uncollectedamt/{id}/approve
API to manually release uncollected amount
Method: get
Path: /service/releasedUncollectedAmtTxns/{referenceNo}
Releases uncollected amount manually
Method: post
Path: /service/uncollectedamt
Retrieves the list of manually released uncollected amount transactions
Method: get
Path: /service/releasedUncollectedAmtTxns/getAll
Retrieves the list of manually released uncollected amount transactions by reference number
Method: delete
Path: /service/releasedUncollectedAmtTxns/{referenceNo}
Retrieves the list of uncollected amount transactions
Method: get
Path: /service/uncollectedAmtTxns