Currency Service REST Endpoints

Common Core Services/Currency Service
This service API is used for Currency Operations.
Adds a new currency definitions
Method: post
Path: /service/currencydefinitions
Adds a new currency holiday calendars
Method: post
Path: /service/currencyholidaycalendars
Adds a new currency pairs
Method: post
Path: /service/currencypairs
Adds a new currency rate types
Method: post
Path: /service/currencyratetypes
Adds a new rates
Method: post
Path: /service/rates
Close the currency definitions by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /service/currencydefinitions/{currencyCode}/{maintenanceCountry}/close
Close the currency holiday calendars by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /service/currencyholidaycalendars/{currency}/{year}/close
Close the currency pairs by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /service/currencypairs/{currency1}/{currency2}/{maintenanceCountry}/close
Close the currency rate types by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /service/currencyratetypes/{currencyRateType}/close
Close the rates by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /service/rates/{branchCode}/{currency1}/{currency2}/close
Reopen the currency definitions by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /service/currencydefinitions/{currencyCode}/{maintenanceCountry}/reopen
Reopen the currency holiday calendars by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /service/currencyholidaycalendars/{currency}/{year}/reopen
Reopen the currency pairs by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /service/currencypairs/{currency1}/{currency2}/{maintenanceCountry}/reopen
Reopen the currency rate types by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /service/currencyratetypes/{currencyRateType}/reopen
Reopen the rates by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /service/rates/{branchCode}/{currency1}/{currency2}/reopen
Update an existing currency definitions
Method: put
Path: /service/currencydefinitions/{currencyCode}/{maintenanceCountry}
Update an existing currency holiday calendars
Method: put
Path: /service/currencyholidaycalendars/{currency}/{year}
Update an existing currency pairs
Method: put
Path: /service/currencypairs/{currency1}/{currency2}/{maintenanceCountry}
Update an existing currency rate types
Method: put
Path: /service/currencyratetypes/{currencyRateType}
Update an existing rates
Method: put
Path: /service/rates