8 Workflow Setup

This topic describes the workflow setup for Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management Installation.

Conductor and Plato-Orchestrator Setup

For conductor and plato-orchestrator setup, refer to the Setup Conductor & Plato-Orchestrator section in Oracle Banking Microservices Platform Foundation Installation Guide.

Account Closure Workflow

The workflow needs to be created manually and it is a one-time activity. Account Closure has two workflows that are factory shipped. These must be created using plato-orch-service API through postman.


This is the main workflow that is started upon the Batch Execution. This workflow instance is assigned a new workflow ID and can be tracked using this ID.


This is the sub workflow that is started by the main workflow. This workflow is assigned a new workflow ID and can be tracked using this ID.

Batch Job Setup

Virtual Account closure uses plato-batch-server for Job execution.

The account closure process uses virtualAccountCloseJob, and the below setup needs to be done for the same.
  1. In PLATO_BATCH_TASK_TRIGGER_DEFINITIONS table, an entry for virtualAccountCloseJob should be added and its definition should be as below
    appId:::VAM;microServiceName:::obvam-account-services;contextRoot:::obvam-account-services;jobName:::virtualAccountCloseJob;type:::schedule;cronExpression:::0 0/1 * * * ?

    In the above definition, cronExpression is the string containing details of schedule.

  2. In PROPERTIES table, the following entries should have valid user and branch code, for which the applicable roles are present to run the job.

    APPLICATION = "plato-batch-server", KEY = "batchServer.userId", VALUE = "<user-id>"

    APPLICATION = "plato-batch-server", KEY = "batchServer.branchCode", VALUE = "<branch-code>"

  3. After the above setup, restart the plato-batch-server.


Postings on virtual accounts for which closure request is in progress is controlled through a non-mandatory header parameter “allowPosting” in Balance Transfer stage. The values to this can either be
  • Y – This indicates transaction postings are allowed.
  • N - This indicates transaction postings are not allowed.

Once the latest subworkflow is registered, on triggering the "virtualAccountCloseJob", the workflow ID gets generated and the table VAM_TB_VA_CLOSURE_STATUS will be updated for the picked up virtual accounts (VA's with closure status as 'P') with the value (Y/N) that is defined in the subworkflow.

External Validation

External validation is done using Oracle Banking Payments. This has to be configured using Oracle Banking Routing Hub configuration files that are factory shipped.

EOD Workflow

EOD has two workflows that are factory shipped.

Refer to the EOD Configuration Guide and perform the setup.