2.4.1 Release Uncollected Amount

This topic describes the systematic instructions to release uncollected funds manually for credit transactions for which the manual release has been specified at a transaction code level or which are yet to be released automatically.

For automatic release, the user can release the funds before the expected release date.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Virtual Account Management. Under Virtual Account Management, click Transactions.
  2. Under Transactions, click Release Uncollected Amount. Under Release Uncollected Amount, click Release Uncollected Amount.
    The Release Uncollected Amount screen displays.

    Figure 2-11 Release Uncollected Amount

  3. Specify the fields on Release Uncollected Amount screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-9 Release Uncollected Amount - Field Description

    Field Description
    Source Code Click Search to view and select the required source code.
    Reference Number The system generates a unique reference number for each of the release request.
    Virtual Account Number Click Search to view and select the virtual account number.
    Virtual Account Name Displays the virtual account name based on the Virtual Account Number selected.
    Expected Release Date Range Select the expected release date range from the calendar list.
  4. Click Query to view the credit transactions which are yet to be released.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-10 Release Uncollected Amount (Search Result) - Field Description

    Field Description
    Virtual Account Number Displays the virtual account number.
    Source Reference Displays the source reference.
    Transaction Reference Number Displays the transaction reference number.
    Uncollected Amount Displays the uncollected amount.
    Expected Release Date Displays the expected release date. Expected release date is derived based on the balance availability parameter configured for the transaction code.
    Actual Release Time Displays the actual release time of the transaction.
  5. Click Reset to clear the search criteria.
  6. Select the Checkbox for the transactions which has to be released.
  7. Click Save to save the details.
    The user can view the manually released uncollected amount details in the View Released Uncollected Amount.
  8. Click Cancel to close the details without saving.