Promise to Pay Maintenance Service REST Endpoints

Promise to Pay Services/Promise to Pay Maintenance Service
This service is used to perform Promise to Pay Type Maintenance Service operations.
Add New Promise to Pay Type
Method: post
Path: /obedm-ptp-services/ptptype
Authorize Promise to Pay Type by Given ID
Method: patch
Path: /obedm-ptp-services/ptptype/{id}/approve
Close Promise to Pay Type by Given ID
Method: patch
Path: /obedm-ptp-services/ptptype/{id}/close
Delete Promise to Pay Type Identified by Given ID
Method: delete
Path: /obedm-ptp-services/ptptype/{id}
Get All Valid Promise to Pay Type
Method: get
Path: /obedm-ptp-services/ptptype
Reopen Promise to Pay Type by Given ID
Method: patch
Path: /obedm-ptp-services/ptptype/{id}/reopen
Retrieve Promise to Pay Type by Given ID
Method: get
Path: /obedm-ptp-services/ptptype/{id}/unauthorized
Retrieve Promise to Pay Type by ID
Method: get
Path: /obedm-ptp-services/ptptype/{id}
Retrieve Promise to Pay Type History by Given ID
Method: get
Path: /obedm-ptp-services/ptptype/{id}/history
Update Existing Promise to Pay Type
Method: put
Path: /obedm-ptp-services/ptptype/{id}