8.1.1 Creating a Strategy

For creating a strategy, you need to specify details, such as the code, description, and tasks to be associated with the strategy.

To create a strategy:
Before you create a strategy, ensure that tasks are created in the system.
  1. From the main menu, navigate to Collections and Recovery and then click Maintenance.
  2. From the Maintenance menu, click Strategy and then click Create Strategy.
    The Create Strategy page appears.
  3. In the Code field, enter a unique identification code for the strategy.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description of the strategy.
  5. In the Effective Date field, select the date from when the strategy is effective in the system.
  6. In the Task Details section, click plus.
  7. In the Task field, click search and select the task you want to associate with the strategy.
  8. In the Mandatory field, toggle the switch as required to indicate whether it is mandatory to perform the current task before the next task in sequence is performed.
  9. In the Escalation field, enter the time allocated to perform the task.
  10. Click Save.
    A message appears that the record is saved successfully.
Once the strategy is created, you can view the same using the View Strategy page. Upon creation, the authorization status of the strategy is Unauthorized and the record status is Open. After a strategy is created, it must be authorized to be effective in the system.

The strategies that need to be applied on an account or customer for collection of unpaid dues, should be associated with the required segment. For more information, see the Segment.