5 Initial Setup

This topic describes the initial setup for Oracle Banking Collections and Recovery installation.

Once everything is deployed, run the CMC and SMS initial setup scripts from the below mentioned paths at Oracle Software Delivery Cloud to create the required maintenances.
  • OBCR_INITIAL_SETUP/cmc_initial_setup.sql

    To be compiled in Common Core schema.

  • OBCR_INITIAL_SETUP/obcr_role_creation.sql

    To be compiled in SMS schema for OBCR specific admin role creation.

  • OBCR_INITIAL_SETUP/sms_initial_setup.sql

    To be compiled in SMS schema.

  • OBCR_INITIAL_SETUP/obma_role_seed.sql

    To be compiled in SMS schema.

  • OBCR_INITIAL_SETUP/obcr_role.sql

    To be compiled in SMS schema.

  • OBCR_INITIAL_SETUP/ plato_properties_script.sql

    To be compiled in PLATO schema.

  • OBCR_INITIAL_SETUP/ dms_properties_script.sql

    To be compiled in PLATO schema.

  • OBCR_INITIAL_SETUP/ platofeed_script.sql

    To be compiled in PLATOFEED schema.

CMC Initial Setup

This script would prompt a user to enter the below values.

Table 5-1 CMC Initial Setup - Field Description

Serial Number Field Description
1 Bank Code A four-letter Bank Code
2 Bank Description Description of the Bank Code
3 Branch Code A three letter Branch Code
4 Branch Name Name of the Branch
5 Branch Address Line 1 Address line 1 of the branch
6 Branch Address Line 2 Address line 2 of the branch
7 Branch Address Line 3 Address line 3 of the branch
8 Branch Currency A three letter ISO Currency Code
9 Branch Currency Description The description of the branch currency
10 Country Code A two letter ISO Country Code
11 Walk-In Customer Walk-in customer number
12 Host Code Host code of the Branch
13 Host Description Host code description
14 Host Process Time Zone Host code time zone (GMT+5.30)
15 Source System External source system
16 Source System Description Source system description
17 Source System Branch Branch code as in the source system
18 Previous Working Day Previous working day of the Branch
19 Current Working Day Current working day of the Branch
20 Next Working Day Next working day of the Branch

OBCR Role Creation

The script would create an OBCR specific admin role COLL_MNGR_ROLE.

SMS Initial Setup

This script would prompt the user to create two admin users.

Table 5-2 SMS Initial Setup - Field Description

Serial Number Field Description
1 User Login ID 1 Login ID of the first User
2 User Name 1 Name of the first User
3 User Login ID 2 Login ID of the second User
4 User Name 2 Name of the second User
5 Users Home Branch Code A three letter Home-Branch Code of the users
6 Users Locale Users locale (2 letter ISO country code)
7 Start Date Start date
8 End Date End date

These users are assigned the default COLL_MNGR_ROLE, and the PLATO, SMS, CMC and the other functional activities are mapped.

PLATO Additional Setup

This script would prompt the user for the following details regarding correspondence.

Table 5-3 PLATO Additional Setup - Field Description

Serial Number Field Description
1 Sender email Id Email Id of the sender for communication
2 Branch Code A three letter Branch Code
3 User ID Admin User ID

DMS server Setup

This script would prompt the user for the following details regarding correspondence. These scripts are to be run only if you are using DMS server of document upload. This script is to be executed only if the values for these fields are not already present/updated in the database.

Table 5-4 DMS server Setup - Field Description

Serial Number Field Description
1 Dms Service URL URL of the document management server
2 Dms Service Username Login Id of the document management server
3 Dms Service Password Password of the document management server

PLATOFEED Additional Setup

This script would prompt the user for the following details regarding plato feed.

Table 5-5 SMS Initial Setup - Field Description

Serial Number Field Description
1 Branch code A three letter Branch Code

LDAP Setup

The users created using the SMS script must also be created in the LDAP server.


For LDAP setup, see Configuration and Deployment Guide.

Fact Creation

For creating facts, download the obcr_facts.csv file from this path: OBCR_INITIAL_SETUP/obcr_facts.csv at Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. The obcr_facts.csv file contains the list of facts that are used to configure rules in the system.

To create facts:
  1. From the main menu in the Oracle Banking Collections and Recovery application, navigate to Rule and then click Fact.
  2. From the Fact menu , click Create Fact.
  3. Click Bulk Upload.
  4. Click Drag and Drop to browse to the required folder and select the obcr_facts.csv for upload.
  5. Click Upload.
The obcr_facts.csv file contains the list of facts as mentioned below.

Table 5-6 List of Facts for Oracle Banking Collections and Recovery

Code Description Product Processor Type
AccountOpeningORIntitialDisbursementDate Account Opening OR Intitial Disbursement Date OBCR DATE
AccountWriteOffAmount Account WriteOff Amount OBCR NUMBER
AccountWriteOffDate Account WriteOff Date OBCR DATE
AccuralStatus Accrual Status OBCR TEXT
AddressCountry Address Country OBCR TEXT
AddressState Address State OBCR TEXT
ApplicationScore Application Score OBCR NUMBER
AssetClassificationCode Asset Classification Code OBCR TEXT
AvailableForDisbursement Available For Disbursement OBCR TEXT
BehaviourScore Behavior Score OBCR NUMBER
BusinessDate Business Date OBCR DATE
CaseID Case Id OBCR Case Id
ChargeOffAmount ChargeOff Amount OBCR NUMBER
CollateralType Collateral Type OBCR TEXT
CollectionStatus Collection Status OBCR TEXT
CustomerRiskScore Customer Risk Score OBCR NUMBER
DaysChargeOff Days Charge Off OBCR NUMBER
DaysPastDue Days Past Due OBCR NUMBER
DaysSinceAccountLinkagetoCase Days Since Account Linkage to Case OBCR NUMBER
DaysSinceCaseCreation Days Since Case Creation OBCR NUMBER
DelinquencyStartDate Delinquency Start Date OBCR DATE
DisbursedAmount Disbursed Amount OBCR NUMBER
ExistPromiseCount Existing Promise Amount OBCR NUMBER
ForcedAccountSwitch Forced Account Flag OBCR TEXT
HomeBranchCode Home Branch Code OBCR TEXT
InsuredSwitch Insured Switch OBCR TEXT
InterestRate Interest Rate OBCR NUMBER
LastPaymentAmount Last Payment Amount OBCR NUMBER
LastPaymentDate Last Payment Date OBCR DATE
LoanMaturityORLimitExpiryDate Loan Maturity OR Limit Expiry Date OBCR DATE
MaxPTPInstallCount Max PTP Instalment Count OBCR NUMBER
NewPromiseCount New Promise Count OBCR NUMBER
OutstandingAmount Outstanding Amount OBCR NUMBER
OverdueAmount Overdue Amount OBCR NUMBER
PartyType Party Type OBCR TEXT
ProductProcessorCd Product Processor Code OBCR TEXT
ProductSubType Product Sub Type OBCR TEXT
ProductType Product Type OBCR TEXT
PromiseAmount Promise Amount OBCR NUMBER
PromiseDate Promise Date OBCR DATE
SecuredSwitch Secured Switch OBCR TEXT
Segmen Segment Code OBCR TEXT
SystemAccountStatus System Account Status OBCR TEXT
TotalCollateralAssessedValue Total Collateral Assessed Value OBCR NUMBER
UnClearedPaymentAmount UnCleared Payment Amount OBCR NUMBER
UserDefinedAccountStatus User Defined Account Status OBCR TEXT

Config update for report service

Next, for the plato-report-service, please make sure the below configurations done on the OBMA server.


This step is to be performed if not already done.

Create a directory by the name report-fop-config under /scratch/env directory.

Then, copy the file fop.xconf from the location /THIRD_PARTY_SOFTWARE/report-fop-config inside the package to the above created location.

Once done please run the below command

chmod 0755 /scratch/env/report-fop-config/fop.xconf