Define Batch

You can use batch and batch groups to group a set of background tasks to be executed together.

A Batch contains a group of background tasks that are executed together, on a specific date and time during which the resources are available for batch processing.

Batch Groups consist of batches that need to be executed together. Batch groups help to process date and time-based background tasks based on a defined period when resources are available for batch processing.

To access the Scheduler Service Summary (Define Batch) page, from the left Navigation pane in the application console, click Batch Administration> Scheduler > Define Batch.

To access the list of existing batches and batch groups click Batch or Batch Group tab respectively. You can also view following details related to each batch/batch group.
  • Batch ID - The unique alphanumeric code assigned to a specific batch/batch group.
  • Name - The unique batch/batch group name.
  • Description - The brief description of the batch/batch group.
  • Last Modified - The last modified By user, date and time details.

To search for a specific batch/batch group, enter the keywords in the Search field and click Search. You can search based on Name, Code, and Description. You can also sort the batch/batch group list based on Code, Name, Created Date, and Last Modified Date.

Perform one of the following operations, to manage batch/batch group, from the Scheduler Service (Define Batch) page.