AES-256-CBC Encryption of CSV Files

AES 256 CBC encryption is a symmetric encryption algorithm that uses a 256-bit key to encrypt and decrypt data.

To encrypt a CSV file using AES-256-CBC encryption, follow these general steps:
  1. Generate the 256-bit Hex key using the following command:
    openssl rand -hex 32 >> keyfile.key
  2. Save the Master Encryption Key in the ADMIN-CONSOLE UI by navigating to the Configurations tile and selecting the Master Encryption Key tab.
  3. Encrypt the data using the AES-256-CBC encryption algorithm to encrypt data using the encryption key generated above.
    AES-256-CBC using OpenSSL-
    openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -K b9ffef696fed55193f9aed357ed2481c4d5f1b84a6ac88c8386932dddb3ae120
    -iv 00000000000000000000000000000000 -nosalt -p -in /<RelativePath>/20230425_STG_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS.csv
    -out /<RelativePath>/20230425_STG_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS.csv
    -aes-256-cbc — the cipher name( symmetric cipher : AES ;block to stream conversion
    : CBC(cipher block chaining)
    -nosalt —not to add default salt
    -p — Print out the salt, key, and IV used.
    -in file— input file /input file absolute path
    -out file— output file /output file absolute path
  4. Upload the encrypted files to the Object Store as described in Uploading Data into Object Storage.


    If files are uploaded without encryption, then remove the key (If key exists) from the ADMIN-CONSOLE by leaving the Master Encryption Key field as blank.