Configuring ID Generation

To generate identifiers for entities like Company and User Group, you need to configure the ID Generator first and then associate it with the tenant (Non-Production).


This section gives you an overview of the generic steps involved in an ID Generator configuration. For specific instructions on how to configure ID Generation for a Company or a User Group, refer to the Related Links at the end of this section.
Configuring ID Generator for an entity is done using the ID Generator page and involves two steps:
  1. Add Identification
  2. Setup ID Generator

Add Identification

Adding identification involves collecting three basic details of the ID Generation configuration:
  • Name
  • Long Name
  • (Optional) Description

Setup ID Generator

Setting up ID Generator involves configuring the pattern for generating ID and involves two steps:
  1. Setting up ID Attributes: This includes configuring Generation Type and Delimiter Type for the identifier.
  2. Setting up ID Components: This includes choosing more than one Component Types and its name or value.


It is mandatory to configure at least one attribute and two or more components for an identifier.

Setting Up ID Attributes

ID attributes decide whether the ID generation should be manual or automatic. It involves selecting the Generation Type and Delimiter Type.

  • Set up Generation Type as either Auto or Manual.
    • Auto: ID is generated automatically based on the pattern configured in ID Generator.
    • Manual: You can enter the ID manually, but it will be validated against the pattern configured in ID Generator.


    If you select Manual, select the maximum length of the pattern in Max length / Value. If you select Auto, the maximum length is taken as 16 by default.
  • Set up Delimiter Type by selecting the Delimiter character to be used between various components in the ID.

Setting Up ID Components

ID Components decide the pattern of the ID. Every ID should have two or more components; of which one has to be sequential. The different types of components used in forming the ID pattern are:
  • Static: Define the static part of the ID in Static Name / Value.
  • Sequence: Define the sequential part of the ID. This involves configurations like:
    • Whether the ID is to be padded to the maximum length or not
    • The number with which the sequence starts
    • The number with which the sequence increments
    • The maximum value of the sequence
  • CheckDigit: Define the CheckDigit part of ID that uses either Mod10 or Mod11 algorithm
  1. From Application Navigation, select Configuration, and then select ID Generator.
  2. Select the entity for which you want to configure ID generation. For example, Company.
  3. Select Add. This opens Creating ID Generator.
  4. In Add Identification, perform these steps:
    1. Enter Name for the ID Generation configuration.
    2. Enter Long Name for the ID Generation configuration.
    3. (Optional) Enter Description for the ID Generation configuration.
    4. Select Continue.
  5. In Setup ID Generator, there are two sections: Attributes and Components. In Attributes section, follow these steps:
    1. Select Add against Generation Type.
    2. In Generation Type, select either Auto or Manual. If you select Auto, the ID Generation is automatic and follows the pattern defined in this configuration. If you select Manual, application lets you generate the identifier, but validates it against this configuration.
    3. (Optional) If you select Manual as the Generation Type, select Max length / Value. If you have selected Auto, this field does not appear. In this case, the maximum length is by default 16.
    4. (Optional) In Delimiter Type, select the delimiter character that you want to use between different components of the ID.
    5. Select Done to return to Setup ID Generator.
  6. In Components section, select Add against Add Component.
  7. In Choose Component Type, select either Static, Sequence, or CheckDigit and tap Done.
  8. (Optional) If you have selected Static as Component Type, enter Static Name / Value that forms the static component of the ID.
  9. (Optional) If you have selected Sequence as Component Type, follow these steps:
    1. Select Padding Ind ON or OFF.
    2. Enter the value with which the sequence should start in Starts With.
    3. Enter the value with the sequence should increment in Incremented By.
    4. Enter the value up to which the sequence should increment in Max Value.
  10. (Optional) If you have selected CheckDigit as Component Type, follow these steps:
    1. Select either Mod10 or Mod11 in Algorithm.
    2. Enter the format for transposing in Transpose.
    3. Enter the format for adding weight in Weight.
  11. Select Done in Choose Component Type.
  12. Select Continue in Set Up ID Generator.
  13. Select Finish