Creating Operations Company Hierarchy

A company hierarchy includes a parent (root) company and one or many child companies. In Oracle Financial Services Cloud, you can create a parent-child relationship by associating a child company to the parent company. Currently, association is limited between companies of same type. That is, you can associate an Operations company with other Operations Companies only.

Follow this procedure to create a hierarchy of companies. This establishes your organization structure or hierarchy in the system.


Select a Config ID before proceeding with this procedure.
  1. From Application Navigation, select Configuration and then select Company, and then select Operations.
  2. Select View All to see the list of existing companies.
  3. Select More Options against the parent Company and select Add Company.
  4. Select Create New Operations Company and select Continue. This takes you through the steps required to create a new Operations company and then add it as a child to the parent company selected in the previous step.


    The page also displays an option to Use an Existing Company whereby you can associate an existing company of another type.
  5. Follow instructions in Creating Operations Company to create a child Operations company.


    In the third step of Creating Operations Company, you can inherit the contact details of the parent company by selecting Use Contact from Company option.
  6. (Optional) In the Manage Associations page, under Optional add the required associations like Products, Operators, Employees, and Keyword Libraries.
  7. Select Continue. A success message appears.
  8. Select Finish.