3 ID Generation

ID Generators enable you to define a uniform methodology for generating identifiers across Oracle Financial Services Cloud, along with the capability to define patterns that are specific to requirements of each feature. When you create entities like an Account or a Company, system either generates the identifiers automatically, or validates the manually entered identifiers, both based on the applicable ID Generator configuration.

Generation Type

ID Generation configuration can be of two types:

  • Automatic: When you select automatic ID generation, the application generates the ID automatically, according to the pattern defined in the configuration.
  • Manual: When you select manual ID generation, the application lets you enter an ID manually, but validates the ID against the pattern defined in the configuration.

ID Generation Pattern

ID Generation configuration of an entity defines the pattern in which an ID is generated (or validated against) for that entity. ID generation pattern is a combination of two or more of these components:

  • Static: A static value as a component
  • Sequence: A sequential component
  • CheckDigit: A check digit component that uses either Mod10 or Mod11 algorithms


An ID generation pattern must have at least two components, one static component and one sequence component. As IDs are generated in the system, the static component remains appended to the ID as it is, while the sequential component increments as per the definition.

ID Generation Configuration

Setting up ID Generator for an entity involves two steps:
  1. Identification
  2. Setup ID Generator


Under Basic Information, enter the following details:
  • Name
  • Long Name
  • (Optional)Description

Setup ID Generator

Setting up ID Generator involves two steps:
  • Setting up ID Attributes: This includes configuring Generation Type and Delimiter Type for the identifier.
  • Setting up ID Components: This includes choosing more than one Component Types and its name or value.


It is mandatory to configure at least one attribute and two or more components for an identifier.

Setting Up ID Attributes

  • Setting Up Generation Type: ID Generation Type can be either Auto or Manual.
  • Setting Up Delimiter Type: Select the delimiter character that you want to use between components in the ID.

Setting Up ID Components

Configure the various components of the ID. The Component Type can be either Static, Sequence, or CheckDigit.


You need to set up a minimum of two components and one of them should be of type Sequence.