8 WebLogic Embedded LDAP Setup

This topic provides the information to configure the Weblogic Embedded LDAP server for Oracle Banking Microservices Architecture

8.1 Configure WebLogic LDAP

This topic provides systematic instructions to configure WebLogic LDAP Setup.

Specify User ID and Password to login to Oracle WebLogic Administration Console.
  1. Navigate to left panel and click domain name.
  2. Under Settings for ldap_domain, click Security and Embedded LDAP.

    Figure 8-1 Settings for ldap_domain

  3. Set the Credential for WebLogic Embedded LDAP store.


    This is needed in the Security Config table.

8.2 Create Users

This topic provides systematic instructions to create users.

Specify User ID and Password to login to Oracle WebLogic Administration Console.
  1. On Domain Structure, click Security Realms.
    The Summary of Security Realms screen displays.

    Figure 8-2 Summary of Security Realms

  2. On the Realms (Filtered - More Columns Exist) table, click myrealm.
    The Setting of myrealm screen displays.

    Figure 8-3 Settings for myrealm

  3. Under Settings for myrealm, click Users and Groups
  4. Click Groups. On the Groups table, Click New.
    The Create a New User screen displays.
  5. Specify all the required details and click OK.
    The new group is created.
  6. Go to Settings for myrealm, click Users.

    Figure 8-5 Settings for myrealm

  7. On the Users table, Click New.
    The Create a New User screen displays.
  8. Specify all the required details and click OK.
    The new user is created.

    Figure 8-7 User Creation- Success Message

  9. On the Users (Filtered - More Columns Exist) table, click on the newly created user to assign to some group.
    The Setting for ADMINUSER1 screen displays.
  10. On Setting for ADMINUSER1 (or whatever your user name is) window, click Groups and select the required groups to assign to the user and click single right button as shown below.

    Figure 8-8 Setting for ADMINUSER1

  11. Click Save.
    The selected groups displays on Chosen.

    Figure 8-9 Setting for ADMINUSER1

8.3 Oracle Banking Microservices Architecture Security Config Table Entries

This topic describes about Oracle Banking Microservices Architecture Security Config Table Entries.

Connection details for the embedded LDAP of WebLogic (assuming the admin server is running on are given below:

Connection Details:

URL: ldap://

Server Base: dc={DOMAIN_NAME} ( in our case it would be dc=ldap_domain)

User Search Base: ou=people,ou=myrealm

Server User: cn=admin

Server Credentials: As setup in step Point 3 under 1.8.1

Security Config Table Entries:

Table 8-1 Security Config Table Entries:

ID VALUE Description
LDAP_URL ldap:// Valid LDAP Server address with port.
LDAP_SERVER_USER cn=admin LDAP server login username
LDAP_SERVER_BASE dc=ldap_domain LDAP Server Base
LDAP_SERVER_CREDENTIAL yIksiMFfjVbfcpA7Qheh8Q== LDAP server credentials in encrypted form (For Encryption steps, refer to Encrypted Utility section below)
LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE ou=people,ou=myrealm LDAP User Search Base
LDAP_PROVIDER EMBEDDED_WEBLOGIC Which LDAP Provider to be used. Also, if this row is not present in this table, then In-House Spring Plato LDAP will be used.