3.9.1 Forecast REST Service

This topic describes the information about the forecast REST service.

The timeseries framework is made available as an independent REST service to be consumed by products and use cases as required.

The following information is required to be provided.

Table 3-15 Forecast REST Service – Field Description

Field Description
Use Case Name Specify the Unique Use Case Name.
Data Source Specify the Table or View name used as data source to train the model.
Target Column Specify the model will train and forecast future values of this column.


Column name is a function of table/view design.
Unique Identifier Specify the column name to uniquely identify a sequence.


Column name is a function of table/view design. It must be Date or a sequence.
Model Partitioning Specify the column names to slice data. Refer Partitioned Model for details.


Column name is a function of table/view design.
Partitioned Value Specify the actual Value of the Model Partition
Forecast Window Specify the number of forecasts required as an outcome.
Tablespace Specify the valid table space and all model related data will be persisted in this table space.