1.5 Mask Maintenance

This topic describes the systematic instructions to initate and view the Mask maintenance.

Mask Maintenance enables the user to create a mask for defining the Party Id format.


If no Mask Maintenance is configured, the default party id will be generated as “YYJJJSSSS” wherein,

YY – Current Year

JJJ – Julian Date of current year

SSSS – Sequence Number

Initiate Mask Code Maintenance

  1. On Home screen, click Party Services. Under Party Services, click Maintenance.
  2. Under Maintenance, click Mask. Under Mask, click Create Mask.
    The Create Mask screen displays.
  3. On Create Mask screen, specify the following attributes.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 1-6 Create Mask - Field Description

    Field Description
    Mask Code Select the mask type as Party Id from the dropdown list.
    Component Displays the attribute name added from the list.
    Mask Specify the total length of the mask, which is the sum of length of all the attributes in the mask cannot exceed 36 characters.
    If no mask is defined, a default mask – PTYdddddssss is applicable which includes:
    1. Prefix with values PTY
    2. Julian Date (ddddd)
    3. Sequence Number (ssss) of length 4 characters
    Delete Click this icon to delete the added parameter.
  4. Click Add button to add the parameters for the Party Id Mask.
  5. Add the following attributes:
    1. Prefix Code (PTY) – a prefix that can be attached to the party id. This attribute is optional and editable.
    2. Branch Code (bbb) – The branch code of the user logged in branch. This attribute is optional and non-editable.
    3. Julian Date (ddddd) – The Julian date in YYDDD format on which the party is being onboarded. This attribute is optional and non-editable.
    4. Sequence Number (ssss) – A sequence number that can be appended to the party id. The system will generate the sequence number based on the length defined in the mask. This attribute is mandatory and editable.
  6. Click Save to save the party id mask.

View Mask Maintenance

Once the record is authorized by the checker, the user can view the Entity Maintenance.

  1. On Home screen, click Party Services. Under Party Services, click Maintenance.
  2. Under Maintenance, click Mask Management. Under Mask Management, click View Mask.
    The View Mask screen displays.